Hi everyone :)
Boy it's so hot here! anyway I've made 3 animations and some new GIF pictures [Consoles War first trail....] and went to a coffee net to upload them but it didn't work, i tried several times in two other coffee nets! but still didn't work! is it me or GS has problems again? :evil:
Meh I'll try to upload them on wednesday again hope it works! so I finished GTA IV yesterday i spend 50h on it :P i really like this game it was a miracle for 2008 very great game indeed and i made an animation for it but can't upload it! :o
I decided after i finish a game i make an animation about it :)
Now I'm playing Lost Planet 2, RDR and i want to start playing Alpha Protocol, Red Faction, End War, Riddick, Dante's Inferno, Army of Two, Left4Dead 2 which i didn't finish them yet.
Lost Planet 2 has a great graphic and cool gameplay but the music and story is so weak they made this game for multiplayer and Co-Op in my opinion but it's fun to play.
I watched Toy Story 3 and WolfMan, both are great recommend them :)
I'm working on the Black Hole's Season 1 Episode 1 story i went to my best friend today which you can find him here and ask him to help me for making my Movie [he can work with 3ds max too] and i explain the story for him and he kinda like it and accept it, so fortunately I'm not alone and i can make my movie faster :) we are thinking about a name for our team any suggestion? how about Freedom Fighter Team? :P
So Hope is the only thing i have.
Game Quotes Part 12:
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (2009)
[from trailer]
Riddick: They say... hope begins in the dark.
Riddick: But most just flail around in the blackness searching for their destiny. The darkness, for me, is where I shine.
[from trailer]
Riddick: In the end, everybody bleeds the same...
Dacher: So, you are not a merc. And you are not a prisoner either. What the hell are you?
Riddick: I'm Hell's messenger. Name's Riddick.
Lynn Silverman: Are you hiding from the monsters too?
Riddick: Not hiding... Hunting.
Riddick: The Igeuran System... Full of desperate suckers who couldn't make it anywhere else. Where there's desperation, there's opportunity.
Revas: [Identifying Johns' body] Ah, Johns - I remember you. Squad leader on Sol Luchia I believe. Good man once, but not any more.
Revas: You do know the Bay's been looking for you?
Revas: [Glancing at an empty cryo chamber] ... And your friend...
Revas: [Riddick silently steals her hairpin from above] What have you done with... him?
Riddick: [From trailer] The body is willing... The mind is controlled. This unholy fusion between flesh and technology...
Riddick: Now the monsters have something to fear...
Riddick: [Montage of Riddick killing these drones] The dead... should stay dead.
Exbob: [masturbating in the corner] What are you looking at, huh? You want some of this?
Exbob: [moaning] It's good! It's good huh!
Bonner: Revas... She's one bad ass *bi tch*! Like my wife!
Bonner: Damn I miss her cookies...
Revas: Riddick! Love to stay and chat, but you know... Kill him!
Riddick: Did she succeed or did you fail? Right now you look like you're full of fail.
Riddick: I didn't escape. I just traded one hell for another.
Spinner: What a treat! Richard B. Riddick... The toughest mother fu cker in the galaxy. Wait, scratch that, second toughest - after me. You want a shot at the title?
Spinner: [Dying words, defeated by Riddick] I... I could of had you.
Riddick: If it's any consolation, you were better than average. At least that's something.
Spinner: Johns? Should o' cracked the glass and watched him vomit up his own lungs.
Revas: Oh Spinner hon, you got a thick skull sometimes. Johns' a merc, just like you and me. And when a merc becomes a most-wanted, the price shoots sky high.
Spinner: Ma'am, we talkin' bounty now?
Revas: Johns busted out of Butcher Bay with the biggest prize they ever got.
Spinner: ...Riddick.
Revas: So no drone shop for this one.
Merc: The guy's a crack head, dope head, morph head...
Merc 2: Yeah, so what?
Merc: Bottom line? He's a dick head.
Merc: [as the player observes after exiting a vent] He's dead meat if he comes in here.
Merc 2: But what if he crawls through the vents?
Merc: The vents? Who the fu ck crawls through vents?
Jaylor: I can give you the code, Riddick. But first you gotta do something for *me*. See, there's a guy here called Margo.
Jaylor: Margo is a ****ing son of a bi tch who likes to stab his friends in the back for kicks! I want to see him dead. It's eatin' me up from the inside! I want to see him *suffer*!
Jaylor: Kill him for me, Riddick and then bring back his gold tooth and give it to me, so I know you done it, see.
Bonner: Aw come *on* man! Help me out! I got a wife and a kid back home. Three kids even! And a dog! They need me!
Riddick: Tell me something useful, before I come up with a better idea.
Bonner: I don't know man! They're making *something* on this ship. I don't know what. Some kinda robots or something.
Riddick: You don't know anything.
Bonner: I guess... I guess not.
Bonner: You've just stepped into the downtown of sphincter central!
Riddick: Yeah. I figured that out when I saw you.
Exbob: God damn you're ugly! I don't do business with fu cks like you!
Exbob: What the fu ck you... What the fu ck you want? Huh? Hah? Huh?
Exbob: [Yelling] Huh? What the *fu ck* you want? Huh?
Exbob: [Turning around as if to stop, but continues] Huh?
Exbob: [Muttering] *** Gonna fu ck you up...
Exbob: What the fu ck you want, huh?
Exbob: [Yelling uncontrollably] What the fu ck! You want?
Exbob: Huh?
Riddick: The supply depot. The old man gets a gas mask, and the mercs... get a nasty surprise.
Riddick: The SCAR gun: originally designed to make people's lives easier... But in the right hands it's an efficient and violent way to end them.
Riddick: ...It's in the right hands now.
Riddick: [Saving Revas from a fatal fall] It didn't have to be this way.
Revas: Why does it *** matter anyway?
Revas: Just... Don't forget me.
Riddick: [Revas loses her grip and falls to her death] You said you're used to living hard, so dying should come easy.
[Last lines]
Lynn Silverman: Is she coming back?
Riddick: When I say goodbye, it's forever.
Mad Margo: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who the *fu ck* is this?
Merc: *** he ain't one of ours, Margo!
Bonner: I love you, man! I'm gonna make myself a Riddick shrine, when I get outta here. I'm gonna get a tattoo of you on like, my ass or somethin'!
Merc: [Taunting] Who's your daddy?
Riddick: [the player kills the merc] Riddick.
Thanks for reading