I have some hot news which i cull from my game magazine [bazinama] it's about psp go and ps3 slim and halo4 and xbox handheld and..... have a look8):
1-call of duty 7: Treyarch promulgated they are working on the 7 series of call of duty and the story isn't restatement the world war 2 it's about Vietnam war! and involvement of soldiers in Cuba!
2-psp go confirmed: long time ago production a new console of psp was prevailed! until 1up web site promulgated this console is psp go this console has these traits:1-it doesn't need umd anymore it use 16 gigabyte memory stick.2-100 normal PSP games will be supplied on PSN.3-this console use finger touch showman!.4-psp go will be release this Xmas on north America and japan.
3-mass effect on iphone: Chris priestly manager form of Bioware web site in short post promulgated a new team busy for working on mobile version of this game they don't explain any think about story but were tolled this game like gow isn't a bridge between version 1 to version 2 and u can control secondary character;)
4-Battlefield heroes on consoles: It was prevailed DICE studio is start working on version of consoles about this game and release it on July for PSNXBLA but DICE studio deny this prevail and promulgate this version just specific for pc and the version will be released for PSNXBLA is about 1943 version;)
5-splinter cell conviction with 12 hours game play: Maxime beland one of directors of splinter cell told gamers can finish this game about 12 hours and he said the game has different difficulty which gamers play this game with hard difficulty the game will be really hard and real. this game release for pc and xbox360:P
6-Game track freedom for xbox 360 confirmed: 4 months ago Microsoft buy 3DV company about 300 million dollars so that they can make Motion Control handle now they finish their work and they are testing it and they will release this 70$ controller in autumn and the first game can be played with this controller is squeeballs8)
7-Halo 4 in production: The biggest exclusive Microsoft game doesn't think about retiring. in MGS formal web sit said they employed a new team for halo4. designing of this game is with MGS not with Bungie:D
8-GEOW get to the shooting scene: making geow movie in 2006 until now had been confirmed cilif promulgated he assist with chris morgan [famous HollyWood director] and they are revisioning the scenario which writing with stuart beattie and this scenario has been finished and the movie is ready for shooting and the story is about pendulum war which more than 79 years sack sora asteroid;) and the main character of movie is THE ROCK acting as Marcus finix and other dudes and this movie make in the Legendary studio and the animation is look like 300 and it will be released in 2011;)