What's up Guys/Gals? :)
Wow just Wow Halo Reach is so so awesome this game is the best Halo series ever made and the best 2010 First Person Shooter game and the Best 2010 Multiplayer game!!
I've just finished it! it's 6:13 AM right now after 3 days playing this game, I made it with Legendary difficulty! it was like hell for me, the difficulty was so hard! but i made it whoohoo!!!
The graphic was amazing, very great Art!...! awesome cut scenes, awesome awesome story, so sad! so bad a$$ characters! everything is perfect in this game, i give it 10/10!! this is my first game which i give 10 people, so you should guess how awesome this game can be!
The Musics was so exciting, the graphic is pretty like Mass effect 2 even better!...
Halo Reach has so many unexpected surprises which i don't want to spoil them just know that Reach is just the beginning of Halo series every Xbox360 owners must try this masterpiece :)
I will review it tomorrow, a full and deep review, it's going to be my best review :D
Thanks for reading :)