What's up friends? :) how is everyone?
In this blog i want to talk about:
1-Black Hole is ready for upload
2-Mafia2 Impression
3-New Banner Guy
4-Berserk and Friends
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1-Black Hole is ready for upload:
Yup I've finished episode one :D, it's 2 minutes, and it's my first serious work but it's not so good looking i put the details lower because I didn't wanted to delay it again, I've bought two package of CG Academy professional videos cost me $50 so i can make episode two much better, this season is all about introducing the main characters so please don't forget to check it out i will upload it this week and show it to my next blog if GS video service work :P if not I'll upload it on you tube and link it here ;)
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2-Mafia 2 Impression:
I've finished 7 chapters and so far i like it but little disappointed! here is my thoughts:
The Good:
The game has very great story, strong as a movie, don't want to spoil it, the environment has lots of details which impressed me, the physics is pretty great, the distance view is very great, the voice acting is superb, Mafia two is the first sands box game I've seen which has two seasons, Spring and Winter, the snow reflects in the street especially at night is very realistic, the audio is so great you hear your footsteps, you hear peoples voice in your room...the way you can steel the cars is very great, if police catch you, must change your car's plate you can add your name on it, the radio reminds me the Fallout 3 musics :P, the hand to hand combat is great, now you can find some art works in the game the playboy pictures are so so so hot they show all the forbidden areas! :P :lol: i want to find out all of the playboy pictures :D another good thing is when enemies try to shooting when your character is ruining or taking cover he covers his head with his hands! the charactes look so real for a 360 game but Mass Effect 2 has better good looking characters :P
The Bad:
The map is so little, the story is too short 15 chapter, the achievements are so easy to get easier than Assassin's Creed 2, the gameplay hasn't have blindshooting, after you finish the game there is nothing to do, the characters are the same most of the time, for example there was a mission which you were going to sell some gas tickets to gas-stations and all of the gas-stations manager were same!
The Ugly:
The Camera isn't good tbh, you lost your character in little areas, the aiming system isn't very good you can't change your aiming view like Red Dead Redemption, i didn't find mini games like RDR!
Mafia 2 could be much better, if you ask me choose between RDR or Mafia 2 i pick RDR, Mafia 2 need lost of DLCs and Expansion for gratifying its fan :)
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3-New Banner Guy:
Since master EHZ isn't active here, Ramtin_LA my buddy (We are friends about 12 years) is very good at Photoshop, he can make good banners, if you want banner just ask him, and he will make you the best banner you ever seen :) if you want especial banner tell him syler sends me :P lol
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4-Berserk and Friends:
I've watched all the 25 Berserk anime, and i really love it, now i want to read all of its Mangas, i hear they are making another 25 anime about Berserk can't wait to watch it :D, my next anime is Rainbow don't know if i like it, my sis bought all of the 12 years Friends seasons! and I'm watching too, it's so funny indeed lol
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thank for reading :)