Hi everybody how is everyone? :) missed you Game Spotters :)
Well I'm so busy these days my Midterm is near and I'm extremely studying 3ds max and 3d game studio max to finish them in two weeks so that i make my movie faster with great quality, I'll try to upload my trail for this week :)
Sam Fisher or Jack barrow?
Well i finally got Splinter Cell Conviction, but i little disappointed because they completely changed its game play! it's not that Splinter Cell you remember! stealth actions are so few and it's so easy you easily can execute everyone it's not so challenging, they changed sams face too! and the graphic is good but it has some technical issue for example his movements ain't so realistic like Uncharted especially on that mission when you were fallowing that assassin, or its physic ain't so good....and the textures ain't so good neither! especially on that Iraq mission why I'm saying this? because they worked 4 5 years on this game and i was expecting the best xbox360 game ever but they failed :( but the Story is the best part of this game i like it but it's little like 24!!! Splinter Cell Conviction and 24 are so similar to each other! Sam Fisher and Jack Barrow quite have a same personality! and the presentation and dialogs ain't affective so much for example when sam talked with his daughter on that airport mission for the first time, he acted like noting happened! he wasn't emotional! overall it's Splinter Cell We are talking about and it's worth to play but it could be much better in my opinion :)
Metro 2033:
This is really a great game indeed I'm enjoying it so far :) first of all I'm playing it with my PC, i have to say playing games with PC ain't so fun like Consoles, it makes me so tired :P the story is pretty like Fallout 3 the world is destroyed and people are living in the tunnels and the gameplay is so awesome and realistic for example for your light you have generator in case you need to charge it up and.... the graphic and physics are so awesome it has a great details for example whenever you go to the surface you need to put on your mask and your mask can break during the actions and if it breaks you can't breath and you must find new mask and your mask has some filters if you don't have filter you can't breath neither.....the atmosphere reminds me the Dead Space especially when I'm in the deep tunnels :D if you want to experiment a great game you should check it out :)
Dragon Age: Origins Awakening:
It's so Awesome, I played 10h of it and I love it so far, you can continue from your last save in Dragon Age: Origins with your weapons, armor...i still have the Morrigan Rings in case maybe i find her one day :P the story is so great darksapwn can talk this time, there are some new powers which they are so awesome... if you are a fan of this game definitely try the Awakening :)
Favorite TV shows part 3:
Colin Morgan: Merlin
Bradley James: Arthur
Acording to Jim:
James Belushi: Jim
Larry Joe Campbell: Andy
Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranston: Walter H. White
Aaron Paul: Jesse Pinkman
Game Quotes part 7:
I tried to find some quotes for Metro 2033 but i couldn't find any! :?
Brian O'Toole: My name is Brian O'Toole. I wanted to fight the War on Terror, but I don't read so good. Most careers were closed to me. That's why I joined the LCPD. Now I'm on the front lines, helping tourists and fighting terrorists. I rifle through people's bags on the subway to protect freedom. I arrest protesters at political conventions for straying outside the free speech zone. Being a cop used to be about stopping crime. Now, thanks to politicians, it's about fighting terrorists, one old lady at a time. I'm protecting freedom, whatever the cost. I'm a hero, and I know it.
Ileyna Faustin: [about Mikhail Faustin] He did not used to be like this. When we were young, at home, he was beautiful. He was happy. He made me happy. But then something changed. Years ago. I never quite knew what it was. So many years I wondered what it was, or what was wrong with me that I did not see it in him, or I changed him.
Niko Bellic: Life is complicated. I... I never thought I'd live like this.
Ileyna Faustin: No?
Niko Bellic: When the war came, I did bad things, but after the war I thought nothing of doing bad things. I killed people, smuggled people, sold people.
Ileyna Faustin: And you don't worry about your soul?
Niko Bellic: After you walk into a village and you see 50 children, all sitting neatly in a row, against a church wall, each with their throats cut and their hands chopped off, you realize that the creature that could do this doesn't have a soul.
Ileyna Faustin: God is very complicated. You mustn't give up hope.
Niko Bellic: Well, I don't know about that.
Here are some Red Dead Redemption Achievements list :D :
Bearly Legal (5)
Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.
Fightin' Around the World (5)
Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.
The Gunslinger (5)
Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.
Buckin' Awesome (10)
Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
Clemency Pays (10)
Capture a bounty alive.
Exquisite Taste (10)
Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.
Friends in High Places (10)
Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player.
He Cleans Up Well! (10)
Obtain the Elegant Suit.
High Roller (10)
Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker.
Hit the Trail (10)
Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session.
More than a Fistful (10)
Earn $10,000 in Single Player.
Most Wanted (10)
Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.
No Dice (10)
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.
On the Trail of de Vaca (10)
Uncover every location on the map in Single Player.
Posse Up! (10)
Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.
Red Dead Rockstar (10)
Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match.
Slow on the Draw (10)
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.
Strange Things are Afoot (10)
Complete a task for a Stranger.
What About Hand Grenades? (10)
Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes.
Bullseye (20)
Get 250 headshots in any game mode.
Frontiersman (20)
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.
Go Team! (20)
Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.
Have Gun Will Travel (20)
Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session.
How the West Was Won (20)
Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.
In a Hail of Bullets (20)
Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.
Long Arm of Marston (20)
Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.
Mowing Them Down (20)
Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.
The Quick and Everyone Else… (20)
Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.
Unnatural Selection (20)
Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.
Austin Overpowered (25)
Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.
Evil Spirits (25)
Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.
Gold Medal (25)
Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.
Instinto Asesino (25)
Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.
Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead (25)
Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.
People are Still Strange (25)
Complete 15 tasks for Strangers.
Redeemed (100)
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat
Thanks for reading :)