Hi everybody :) how is everyone?
Black Hole season 1 episode 1 Part 1 to 4 is ready :D
Yup we nearly complete all the 4 parts, for the next blog (Saturday) i will upload part one, each part are 2 to 5 minutes so don't forget to watch it :)
I've finished RDR:
Yea i finally finish it, such a great game indeed, it took me 30h, the ending was awesome imo, the best wild west game ever, i recommend it, don't know why most people didn't like the ending i don't know it has different endings but my ending was awesome!
[spoiler] John finally found his family, and spent good times with them, then after several days the government came and kill John, then after 3 years his son revenge his father [/spoiler]
Now i don't have any good games :P , why they don't release Halo Reach....:cry:
Some awesome ipod games:
Wow O_o i can't believe it! i got two awesome games for my ipod they looks so awesome!
1-GTA Chinatown:
This game is so awesome! it looks like GTA4, the graphic is so cool, the game play is awesome!
2-Modern Combat SANDSTORM:
This game shocked me!
the best looking ipod game ever! it pretty looks like Modern Warfare
the game has physics, you can through grenade, flash bang, there is lots of guns! the enemy AI is very good!
they take cover, through grenades! it has very good cut scene, it has multiplayer too!...
if you have ipod you should check it out :)
I should play more with my ipod :P
Thanks for reading :)