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Syler's 2010 Game Awards part 1 of 2

Hi everybody :)

Wow i did a research for making my GOTY in Best of 2010 page and it's pretty complicated, there is so many options...:P anyway let's begin it :D

Now Welcome to Syler's 2010 Game Awards:

Note: the nominees are from my purchases during this year, they are include only Xbox360 and PC games.

Platform Awards

Best PC Game

The Nominees are:

1-Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

2-Metro 2033


The Winner is:

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

It is a pure and awesome strategy game, with amazing cut scenes, beautiful voice acting, awesome deserve to be the best PC game.

Best Xbox360 Game

The Nominees are:


2-Red Dead Redemption

3-Halo Reach

4-Mass Effect 2

The Winner is:

Halo Reach

Halo Reach

Halo Reach is the last game of Bungi, Reach has everything you want amazing Game Play, Story, Graphich, Audio, Multiplayer.. i love it if you like more information about it check out my review about it :)

Genre Awards

Best Action/Adventure Game

The Nominees are:

1-Red Dead Redepmtion

2-Alan Wake

3-Dead Rising 2

4-Dante's Inferno

5-Castlevania Lord of Shadow

6-Mafia 2


The Winner is:

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redepmtion

RDR is another masterpiece by Rock Star, this game is simply amazing, it has everything you want to see in an Action/Adventure Game, RDR deserve to be the best Action/Adventure Game of 2010 imo

Best RPG Game

The Nominees are:

1-Fallout New vegas


3-Mass Effect 2

4-Fable III

The Winner is:

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 i another masterpiece by Bioware, I've spent 75 hours on this game, this game has amazing graphic, game play, voice acting, Story...Mass Effect 2 is my best 2010 RPG game :)

Best Shooter

The Nominees are:

1-Halo Reach

2-Call of Duty Black Ops

3-Battle Field Bad Company 2


5-Bioshock 2

The Winner is:



Vanquish has very creative game play which i've never seen before, very fast and exciting, it has all of standards, blind shooting... Vanquish is my best 2010 shooter.

Best Strategy Game

The Nominees are:


2-Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

The Winner is:



When it comes to Strategy games we should consider the game play not the story and cut scenes...RUSE has very new and creative gameplay which i've never seen before in any strategy games, the things and options in this game is very unique...RUSE is my Best 2010 Strategy game :)

so this is the End of Part 1 hope you guys, gals like it :D in the next Part i will nominate my Dubious Honors, Special Achievement, Game of the Year, Early 2011 Most Anticipated Games :)