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The Project has been started,Game Quotes

What's Uppppp everybody? :D I'm so happy right now I've just finished my midterms with good scores :D i have to admit C++ is really hard Programing language indeed but very interesting and creative, I'm going to play Red Dead Redemption, and other games, can't wait for some new games :D I bet Crysis2 will be the best graphic game for 2011 even better than Killzone 3!

The Project has been started:


Today i bought 4 awesome software:

1-Autodeks 3ds Max 2011;

2-Autodesk MotionBuider 2010;

3-Autodeks Mudbox 2010;

4-Autodesk Maya 2011;

Now I'm going to finish all of their tutorials then i want to start 3Ds Game Studio Max tutorials to make a real video game ALONE! during this tutorials I will make some really decent animations and upload them here the titles Will be:

1-Consoles War

2-Black Hole [my movie]

Wish me luck :)

Please Watch my new GIF Pictures Click Here

I was going to make some GIF banners for everyone but GS only accept 50K so if you like any of those GIF pictures i can put your name on them :)

Game Quostes Part 11:

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (2004)

Hoxie: Allready trying to get under my skin, Riddick?
Richard B. Riddick: It'l be easier... if I had something sharp.

Richard B. Riddick: Hmm... a med-station, takes away the hurt, leaves the pain.

Richard B. Riddick: Today, Johns, you get **ked.

Richard B. Riddick: Talking about me? Never wise.

Richard B. Riddick: [disguising himself as a guard] The wolf moves among sheep.

Richard B. Riddick: Uh oh, looks like that memory's still working, Johns.

Richard B. Riddick: [talking to guard] The dark... are you afraid? I'm not. The dark is afraid of me.

Abbott: You're messin' with the natural order of things here, Riddick. As a result someone can get hurt. And we don't want that.
Richard B. Riddick: Speak for yourself.

Riot Guard: Prisoner! This is restricted area! What are you doing here?
Richard B. Riddick: Oh. Heh. Sorry, my mistake.
Riot Guard: **** you're Riddick!
Richard B. Riddick: I think you're gonna need backup.
Riot Guard: Command, I need backup!

Richard B. Riddick: [Riddick loses his assault rifle and resorts to getting into grabbing range on the prison guard. Both of them fall down a pit with Riddick surviving] It ain't the fall that get you. It's the sudden stop at the bottom.

William J. Johns: [to a prisoner] You wanna get moving, or do you want me to help you? Believe me, you don't want my help.

Richard B. Riddick: The main frame security will be tight... I like a challenge

Richard B. Riddick: [Picks up his first assault rifle] Now things get interesting...

Hoxie: I should just have them put slugs in both your heads right now!
Richard B. Riddick: Why ruin a nice carpet?

Hoxie: What to do, what to do... hmmm. I've got entire regions rioting. My slam has become a damn warzone. I'm losing men faster than I can replace them... and all this unrest... well, it began soon after you arrived, Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick: Could be a coincidence.

Hoxie: I'm sending you to the mines, Riddick. Down below the surface, where the sun never shines. You'll be the target of every con looking to make his bones with the Aquilas. I expect things could get ugly.
Richard B. Riddick: I'll be disappointed, if they don't.

Guard: [Talking about Riddick] I only heard what he looks like.
Guard: [Notices a guard that is actually Riddick in disguise] He looks... kinda like *that* guy.
Guard 2: Ok, right...

Jagger Valance: Things work the same down here as they do up there. You give and you get.
Richard B. Riddick: Trust me Jagger, what I can give... you don't wanna get.

Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: It's true, I swear on my mother's grave!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: You can swear on whoever's grave you want, it's still BS.
Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: I ain't bull****ting, Trigo.
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Ah shut up, get your god damn head checked or something.
Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: I did that once... Ain't no fun.
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Well do it again, and this time get him to amalyze your mind or something, like that guy Sigmen Floyd.
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Sigmen *who*?
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Sigmen Floyd man! He was like some psycho professor from a long time ago or whatever who said all guys wanna screw their mom or something. And he discovered dreams, the mind, subconscious and **** who knows what else!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: **** the mind?
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Yeah man... Hey you know what, shut the hell up, I'm trying to explain here!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Relax Holmes, sorry!
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Anyway, he discovered the mind... and uh... cerebral stuff...
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Now *that* is hardcore.
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Yeah man, Sigmen Floyd!

William J. Johns: Rise and shine, jackass.

Guard: I don't deserve to die!
Guard: ...Ok, maybe I do! But I don't wanna die!

[the player kills a guard supervising Valya]
Valya: Greetings space traveler! I find myself detained in custody with no other fun than that jester which you just disposed of!
Richard B. Riddick: I found him only mildly amusing.
Valya: Watch your tongue space traveler! Still, I appreciate your kind gesture despite having killed the poor jester! Haha!

Georgie: [Distracting the guards for Riddick] Hey guards! Over here, *guards*!
Georgie: You know what I got? I got contraband! I got shivs! I got clubs! I got guns, man! Guns, man! Yeah haha, mother **kers!
Georgie: I got drugs, I got porn! I'll be damned if I'm not wearing forbidden under wear! Yeah, haha!

Waman: That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard!
Girish: Why? It'll work.
Waman: No! No **cking way, it'll never work! And you know why?
Girish: No, tell me.
Waman: Well there are two reasons. First, you are a **king moron, that's reason number one. Number two is a simple fact, a fact you know like gravity, and hand-jobs. Number two is a simple as you are.
Girish: I'm not simple.
Waman: [Scoffing] Then your idea must be brilliant... But it's **** Why? Wanna hear reason number two? Those rifles the guards carry... They are DNA encoded!
Girish: What do you mean?
Waman: Well, you know what DNA is right? Well those rifles track your DNA! They won't fire a single damn cap unless you're in the central database - which you *aren't*!
Girish: What if... I could get into that database?
Waman: That is a fact. *Fact*. You hear me? You cannot use the guns, *period*.
Girish: But! What if I could get into that database.
Waman: What do you mean 'get into that database'? You can't!
Girish: I've seen a map, over here. The database computers aren't that far off.
Waman: Who the *hell* told you this?
Girish: Ugh... I forget. I'm simple, remember?
Waman: Oh great, Girish, you're lying - you're a **cking liar!
Girish: Don't want to talk about it? Ok.

Now it's summer time


Thanks for Reading :)
