Hi everybody :)
I had two math test BTW the first one was so hard i think i fail it! but the second one was little easier and i studied very much and i will pass it, cheers :) my next test is Physics :? fortunately I'm good in Physics :D so I'm not worry so much :)
I bought AVATAR yesterday and i played it about 3 hours and this is my first impression :) :
What is the point of making Movies to Games? Remind you the best moments of the movie or characters? Preparing you for the movie to help you to understand it better? Answer to obscuring parts of the movie? or just making more money with it?
I believe most of the Movies to Games should be RPG games like Dragon Age Origins or at least 3rdPS like Mass Effect with full of quests and Dialogs and open world map! and especially with the original voice actors and original musics from the movie! imagine Bioware made AVATAR like Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins! it could have a great story, awesome dialogs and presentations, you talk to the Characters and they tell you lots of stories which it familiar you with characters and movie much better! but it just my imagination and it never going to be happen :?
I watch AVATAR about 3 times! if you watch it you will understand the main focus of this movie is about love and peace, one and half hour of this movie is about getting to know this civilization and its people![they quite like Indian people!] the rest of it [30 minutes] is about action and sacrifices! but Ubisoft looks like just see the last 30 minutes of this movie!!
The Story:
The most frustrating part of this game is the story! first when you want to play this game you can choose 12 characters [Male and Female] who they are same and ugly! it means there aren't those lovely characters in this game at all and the story is so different from the movie! and after playing 40 minutes you must choose to kill that Doctor or your commander! i chose to kill my commander then we[me and that blue monkey doctor :P] escape to the Jungle and we go to the rest of the blue monkeys camp and i become one of them!!!!!!!! my question is why they didn't wake me up from that device which you can control your AVATAR with it like the movie or why so simply they accept me with open arms lol !!! it's so ridiculous :lol: or another frustrating part is your hair! first it's too short! then you don't use your hair at all! if you watch the movie you see you must use your hair to control other animals if you want use them like horses or blue monkey birds :P....but the Atmosphere remind you the movie! so the story is really disappointing :( seriously what were they doing in this 3 years!!! if i was the director i could do much better! shame on you Ubisoft!
The Graphic:
The graphic is the best part of this game! it's not so good like Bat man AA or AC2 or UC2 :P at all the textures are weak and the distance view is short the shadows are simple, the lights are simple the physics! i think it doesn't have physics at all...but it has a good Art and nice environment which make it acceptable :)
it seems Ubisoft just work for this part!
The Game Play:
The Game Play is another good part of this game the melee kills are cool, the game play is simple which i like it! there are good guns and you can earn some skills but they aren't so useful and the vehicles aren't so useful too for example you can't shoot when you are riding a horse! the camera is in your nerve sometimes especially when you are in the small places! the action is boring most of the times! but acceptable :)
The Music:
The music is simple, indeed! it hasn't so much to say! i was hoping it reminds me some parts of the movie :(, it's not exciting at all, Voice Acting is really weak too because the original actors don't act in this game! and the Dialogs are so weak!...
So i think it deserve 5.5, GS give it a good score! but it's much better than other Movies to Games these days! they should show the power of the game industry to the movie industry people, they should prove which game industry can make good Movies to Games, i hope Heavy Rain prove that :D
Thanks for reading everybody :) good day.