Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy Guys how is everyone? It's been a while since my last blog i was too busy and i wasn't in Bloging mood...hope everyone are good :) now good bye! :lol: just kidding!
Ok let me talk about my gaming update Well I've got some pretty good games
I've finished Max Payne 3 on hard mode with Free Aiming! lol this game is a perfection totally like it, but it's not our old Max Payne the story was way too far from Max Payne 1 in my opinion i was expecting that Dark, Cold streets of New York but i see a Drunk Max Payne Saving some Stupid Rich people!...anyway but it was great and i give it 10 of 10!
I also Finished Syndicate on hard mode! remember i got 3 Mass Effect 3? apparently one of the Disks of Mass Effect was this game so i started playing it and i have to it's pretty creative game i totally liked it, never experienced a game like it before, i think they even can make a movie from it! i hope they continue it and make it better! i give it 8.5 of 10 i don't know why but it reminded me little of Mirror's Edge!
I'm also playing Ghost Recon Future Soldiers and so far i really liked it! it's like you are playing CoD with third Person Camera.
Also I'm playing Witcher 2 finished chapter 1, this game is so long and really fun and enjoyable so far i enjoyed every second of it.
I also got Halo Anniversary didn't like it that much but i may finish it later, and After Witcher i like to continue playing Dues Ex and Fall out New Vegas!! lol
My Skyrim and Metal Gear Solid Collection Disks ain't working! i have to exchange them,
I saw E3 and there are some amazing games, really hyped about Star Wars 1313 and Watch Dogs, Tomb Rider, Beyond Two Souls, Halo 4 let's just say i liked them all :lol:
Oh did i say I've passed all of my courses this time? :D I'm really happy about it!
Summer is here baby
For me it means more work about my game project also i took some courses for summer!
I'm making Spartacus Video game, and i saw Ubisoft have made it too! :x but it's not a problem (i can ensure you that mine will be better! cause it will be base on the TV show episode by episode) from the pictures that i saw it wasn't that interesting anyway! it will be like Prison Break or Avatar! BTW guys keep track My Blog for more information about it :)
For my Game Project i must be ready right? so i started reading two books about human Anatomy and how to draw also got 5 to 10 gig video tutorials and also i got Photoshop CS6 70 hours by Lynda i like to finish with 2D world then finish rest of my 3D courses!
And here are some of my works so far! lol
Inspired from Hells on the Wheels
And this
so yea Skyrim indeed has one of the best Art in video games!
I think at the end of this summer i will have all of the knowledge to make a hard core video game!
From the TV shows I've finished watching Walking Dead, Hells on the Wheels, Game of the Thrones and Spartacus!
what else...here some funny pics :)
Okay everyone thanks for reading :) until next time good gaming, peace.