Finally some in gamespot who want true gameplay in their games lol. I really don't like none of the new gen stuff as much as the old stuff like nes,snes,n64, ps1, ps2, dreamcast, genesis,game boy, game boy advance. The new gen only want to make movie and TV TV TV lol and as for Nintendo their new gen stuff is ok but will never beat their past self. Oh I forgot GameCube lol and I glad they are people who understand what makes a great game like indies and I hope they become more successful with kickstarter and I hope the great developers quit their jobs start a new company and go to kickstarter where the fans can be heard.
Sylveon128's forum posts
@DocSanchez: lol ok and what about the rest lol movies and I hear the same tired argument from Nintendo haters and I don't care if you don't like them but get a life and stop talking about how bad they are 24/7 oh and I have all systems and I like ps2 better than 3 and 4. I also like original Xbox better than 360 and Xbox 1 so I am not a fanboy like you but I am a fan. I play games for gameplay and also because it is not realistic lol if I want that I will go outside or watch a real movie so stop being songs butt kisser.
@DocSanchez: Nintendo defense force lol I see a lot of Sony,Microsoft,and PC defense force as well. I bought a wifi u because I like gameplay instead of movie lol. Yes I know they don't have 3rd party or good online and it is sad but their games have been great I I so I don't see why just because they have less games than competition does not make the games that they are making bad like someone said quality over quantity just like Sony fans said when PS3 lost to the wii.
@jg4xchamp: wow and o admit I was in the wrong and I now know I was the brick wall and I really not hear to tease people but it is kinda of a pet peeve of mind when fanboys in general talk bad about a company when the company the like is doing the same thing. I am kinda new here so I did not real all the post you have and I assumed everyone was a fanboy on here my apology.
@inb4uall: wow you probably don't even know the guy and you are already kissing his ass lol my typing yea it's bad and it will stay bad because I don't have to impress you and I got everything I want a great job,and I am going to move to China on bussiness and hangout with friends so I don't care what what you think of my typing as long as people understand what I am saying and also the I think he can defend himself because he is pretty smart
@ topic creator yeah and then we Sony has a bad sell and someone makes a post about can I expect you won't be there sir. Instead of say stuff about wii u and xbox1 why don't you play with greatness oh wait you can't because you are talking more about others systems than playing your on.
@finalstar2007: why come on this post oh what I forgot this is sonyspot all hail Sony and other system are crap and let's be simple minded about everything because on sonyspot we eat,sleep,breathe and love only Sony yea lol who needs a girl if you have Sony lol am I doing it right fan of the Sony.
@jg4xchamp: the forum that said what 2015 game are you excited for on wii u and on that thread and you said none of them look good except xenoblade x which in another thread you bashed it. Also there was thread where a guy put a list of wii u game and you said bayonetta is the only good one forget the other crap and should I countine and I will have a link put up of all the fanboys stuff you said tomorrow or later just it case you have a memory problem.
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