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A dist called Enlisy.

Hi all.
I thought I had to try out the blog function on this site but I didnt know what to write about.
But then I remembered that I'm in this project and that I could write a little about it.
Hope that someone will have the time to read it. :)

The project I'm involved in is called "Enlisy". It's an abbreviation for "ENkelt LInux SYstem" which is swedish for Simple Linux System.
It is a new linux distribution for PC's, more accuratly for the x86 platform.
The name really says it all. Its a simple linux system.

Dont get me wrong now, it is just as advanced as any linux distribution. The simple part is how the system is built. It's simple to develope for and make packages for and to maintain.
It is written entirely in the programming language python, and has a couple of self developed applications as well. They are ofcource also written in python.

The applications are:
Enlift - An FTP client.
Encopa - Stands for Enlisy Control Panel. It an be compared to Windows control panel, but its more sophisticate :)
Magnum - A text editor.
Apport - A CLI based package manager for maintaining packages.
Grapport - A GUI version of Apport.

Thats right, we use our own package manager. It's goal is to be better than APT, and it is better too. Although APT has more packages for the moment.
But that is going to change at some point :)

We want to include the latest software that can be used on a linux system.
For example, we use initng as our init system to speed up boot times.
At this moment, we wont include an Xorg package with the system, but thats only because we have'nt even released our first stable version yet.
The first release wont include that many packages. We only want to be able to boot the system into CLI mode.
Ofcource you can use apport to install xorg if you want.

For those who dont know what xorg is, its what makes it possible to have a desktop and use applications with a GUI etc.
Basicly its all the graphics you see on the screen.

We have decided to use XFCE4 as the desktop environment.
It may not be anything for newbies, but the system itself is not meant to be used by newbies either as it is very manual for the moment.
But that is going to change with Encopa and such. But still not recommended for newbies.
They can use Ubuntu Linux ;)
Ofcource, as with all linux distributions, you can change the desktop environment if you want.

For those of you who want to test it, we have released a Live-CD.
A Live-CD is a bootable CD that boots the entire system of the CD. It never touches your harddrive so you dont have to remove the OS you are currently using.
That Live-CD can be found here:

But remember that this Live-CD is only for demonstrational use. It is actually pretty useless.
We only made it to give people a rough idea of what it will look like.

Also, recently we released an alpha release for people to try. It will install to your harddrive.
But, and its a big but(I know, bad pun ;P), it doesnt work.
We cant get Initng to work. SO DONT INSTALL IT ON YOUR SYSTEM.
Instead, you can try it in a Virtual PC application like VMWare or QEMU.
We only released it so people can test it and see if they can help us with the initng problem.
You can find the alpha here:

If you have tried it and might know a fix for it, you are more than welcome to drop by our IRC channel:
enlisy @

There is almost always someone online. And if we dont answer just wait, because we might not be at the computer at the moment or something.

And last but not least, ofcource we have a website. Unfortunatly its only in Swedish for the moment. We plan on writing websites for many languages in the future.
The links to get Enlisy are in english though so you shouldnt have a problem.

I hope that someone will try it out and give some feedback :)
I will make new blogposts when we make updates.

Peace Out!