My first semester of university will end on Tuesday at approximately... 10:30 AM, take a few minutes if I'm lucky. :P I have my Marketing 100 exam at 8:30 AM, and I just can't wait for it to end. This semester has been absolute hell for me. I have not adapted to university very well and I just need this break so badly. I'm absolutely sick of all these ups and downs I've been having for the past few months. Also, it means I can finally plug my PS3 back in! :D
Mom said I can buy a game on this week, so I'm hoping that God of War III has had a slight price drop. I really want to get both God of War Collection and God of War III in one go. I haven't played the first two games in a long time, and am so stoked to replay my two favourite games. Also, Pretzel might get Red Dead Redemption for me during his holidays, as long as he can play too. :P
I'm pretty sure I failed Business Information Systems 100. I'd been slack with that subject all semester. Computers and business are both boring individually, but they're worse as a couple. I'll have to retake the unit next semester, so hopefully I can motivate myself this time around. >.> Other than that, Economics 100 went extremely well to my surprise, and so did Business Law 100.
Besides studying and exams, I haven't gotten up to much. I watched a few movies, and I've been listening to a lot of music as I have come to do so lately. :P Here are the films I watched.
The Thing
Pulp Fiction
I've listened to two new albums as of late.
Arcade Fire's Funeral
Symphony X's Paradise Lost
I'm in love with both albums, to be honest. Funeral is just beautiful music, and Paradise Lost is absolutely Godly.
Also, I hopped on Photoshop after a few days and made a new sig.
Tell me what you guys think of it. I really need to get a 360 soon. The Elites have gone down to $250! :shock::o
That's it for now!