Card of the Day: Heavy Barrel Shooter
Episode 67: Protect This Meaningful Place!
In a dark room, a woman is reading a folder. Inside is a picture of Yusuke and one of his house
Woman: So this kid is my target Grayson?
Grayson: Indeed. We believe he has something called the Fate Crystal. Capturing this artifact would greatly advance our research. According to our resources, Yusuke is going away for a little bit. This is your chance to infiltrate the building and search for the artifact. Can I count on you, Lila?
Lila: Sure thing. But you know, I always get payed in advance for my services
Grayson snaps his fingers and some men bring in a briefcase. They open it and a bunch of money is inside. Lila whistles and rubs her upper lip
Lila: Kay. I'll do it
At Yusuke's house, Yusuke's dad is loading suitcases into a car. Yusuke is talking to Alicia near his door
Yusuke: Are you sure you don't mind watching my place for a little bit? I'd ask Neo, but Seth took him in for a little bit.
Alicia: Of course I don't! Your mother is getting some parole time and you're going away to celebrate! I understand. I'll make sure you place stays safe
Yusuke: I know that. It's just…this place is special to me. This is where I took my first steps, the first time I drew a card, the only home I've really had. If something happened to this place, I think I'd…
Alicia: Yusuke…you're my friend. Something special to you is also special to me. And that means I'll protect this place like its my own.
Yusuke: Alicia…
Yurashima: Yusuke, hurry up! We need to leave really soon! You don't want to be late, do you?
Yusuke: Sorry, I'm coming! Here Alicia, hold onto this for me
Alicia: Your Fate Crystal?
Yusuke: I'm afraid if I take it away from the city, people will come after me. After all, it won't be in the protection of the other Fate Crystal holders. Here, it might be safer. Will you hold onto that too?
Alicia: Like you even need to ask! Trust me; both these things will be perfectly safe with me. You don't need to worry. Both of these things are in very good hands
Yusuke: Thank you so much Alicia! You have no idea how much this means to me! Okay, I'll see you in a few days!
He turns around and gets into the car. She waves as the car pulls out and drives off. Alicia smiles and walks into Yusuke's house. She looks into the main room and sits down on the couch. Minko slinks into the room and meows, jumping up. Alicia smiles and pets it as it purrs
Alicia: He didn't even need to ask. I'll make sure I'll protect this place no matter what. I don't care if it's Machine Emperors of anything else. No one is going to bring any harm to this place
Elsewhere, Lila is looking at the house through a pair of binoculars.
Lila: Nice place I'll admit. I have the basic layout though. The front door and back door will probably be locked. But there is a window in the attic I can get through. Nothing could possible go wrong!
She frowns and zooms in on the window. She catches site of Alicia walking around and frowns, calling Grayson
Lila: Yo, you said there wouldn't be anyone in the house. But there's a girl walking around inside
Grayson: Is that so? Well, all data can not be 100% accurate now can it?
Lila: You see, it's a complication. And I don't work if there are any complications
Grayson: Really? Shame. I was going to triple your pay if you did a good job. I'm sure I can do something else with it
Lila: Whoa, hang on. Triple the pay? Hey, for that price, any complication will be minor. I'll take care of it. Do you have any qualms?
Grayson: Do whatever you please. Consequences do not matter.
Lila: No problem them
She hangs up. Grayson smiles as he is sitting next to Chimera. The man in the chair is turned away
???: Are you sure? Why are you treating her so kindly? She should be glad you haven't killed her.
Grayson: Would you like to hear a funny story? Once, Lila tried to lead a rebel gang against me. She was actually quite a pain. Stealing all my business, calling the police on my plans. As you can see, we came to a compromise
???: That makes me more confused
Grayson: Simple. You know the expression, "keep your friends close and enemies closer?" Exactly like that. If she is useful, she can be a tool for my own benefit. And if she isn't…I know just the way to get rid of her. It's simply good business you see. After all, isn't that your plan?
???: Heh. True enough. Let's see if that talk is worth it.
That night, Alicia is sitting on the couch looking through her deck. She takes out a new Synchro monster.
Alicia: Here's my best deck. With the Machine Emperors coming to the city, we can't be too careful. I promised Yusuke I would protect his house. No matter what happens, I will do it.
Outside, Lila is walking on the street. She reaches the fuse box and opens it. She takes out some wire cutters and snaps the wire. The lights on the block shut off.
Alicia: Huh? A blackout?
She goes over to the phone and dials. When she lifts it to her hear, all she hears is the dial tone
Alicia: Phone's dead too.
She grips both Fate Crystals in her hand
Alicia: I'm getting a bad feeling…
Outside, Lila twirls a grappling hook over her head and throws it. It catches onto the roof of the house and she climbs up it. She reaches the attic window and cuts a small hole in it with a sharp tool. She reaches in through the hole and unlocks the window, slipping inside. She seeks over to the staircase and kicks it open. The stairs fall out with a crash. Minko jumps and hides as Alicia looks up
Alicia: Someone's upstairs!
Lila jumps out and immediately hides in a room. Alicia walks in and sees the stairs out, but no one around. She looks in confusion as Lila is looking through Yusuke's room.
Alicia: I guess no one's here. They must have fallen by themselves…
She turns around and walks away as Lila sneaks into another room. Both Fate Crystals glow and she turns around, seeing Lila there. Lila curses and runs as Alicia follows her
Alicia: Hey! Get back here!
Lila: As if
She reaches into her tool bag and throws out a container. It explodes in Alicia's face
Alicia: Tear gas!
She rushes out of the cloud as Lila kicks the window and shatters it. She leaps through the open window and outside. She races off as Alicia runs outside and follows her.
Lila: You're determined brat.
She begins typing on a keyboard on her D- Wheel as oil slicks and nails shoot out. Alicia jumps over them
Alicia: I've been preparing for this moment! You won't get away from me!
Lila smiles and comes to a stop. She gets off the D- Wheel
Lila: Well, if you're really going to do this, I won't have any choice but to fight you. I don't have a Riding Deck, so we'll do it standing
Alicia: That's fine! Whatever happens, you won't harm anything of Yusuke's!
Lila: Let's go runt
Both activate Duel Disks
Both: Duel!
Alicia vs Lila! [Alicia LP = 4000][Lila LP = 4000]. On a beach, Yusuke is with his family. Yusuke looks nervous
Selest: Are you alright?
Yusuke: Yeah, don't worry! Alicia…is something wrong?
Alicia: First turn is mine! I draw! I summon Sharpshooter of the Wild West [ATK 1000/DEF 1500 LV 4]. Once per turn, this monster deals 600 points of damage to the opponent. Go, Dual Bullets!
It points both pistols at her and shoots two bullets, hitting Lila backwards [Lila LP = 3400]
Alicia: I end with a set card
Lila: Not a bad way to start things off. But you'll need to do better. I'll start with the Field Spell Luminous Spark. As long as this Field Spell is out, all LIGHT monsters gain 500 attack points at the cost of 400 defense points. Now I summon Hysteric Fairy, who gets a power boost from Luminous Spark [ATK 1800-2300/DEF 500-100 LV 4]. Attack Sharpshooter of the Wild West!
It fires laser beams form its eyes and blows up Shooter
Lila: And with that, I set a card and end my turn.
Alicia: Back to me! I summon Power Crusher of the Hammer [ATK 2200/DEF 0 LV 4].
Lila: Sad fact of the matter is, no level 4 monster can match my monster. That means you can't fight back!
Alicia: Don't think so! From my hand, I use the Equip Spell Scroll of Bewitchment. This changes a monster's Attribute. Power Crusher becomes LIGHT, same as yours [ATK 2700/DEF 0 LV 4]
Lila: Damn! Almost forgot her monsters gained the boost as well
Alicia: Now my monster is stronger! Go get her, Hammer Smash!
Lila: From my hand, I use the Spell card Forbidden Chalice. This raises the attack points of a monster by 400. Hysteric Fairy now has 2700 [ATK 2700/DEF 100 LV 4]
It fires eyebeams and destroys Hammer. Her hammer flies in the air and still crushes Fairy though.
Alicia: A tie! Turn end.
Lila: Oh, is it my turn again? I draw. Oh this is just too perfect! I use the Continuous Spell Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
The field changes to show the hall in the middle of the field.
Alicia: Valhalla?
Lila: That's right. In Norse mythology, Valhalla was the dwelling place for the gods in Asgard. People will die are also sent here as warriors. And once per turn, I can Special Summon a Fairy type monster from my hand. And the monster I choose to summon…is Athena [ATK 2600/DEF 800 LV 7]. Using the effect of Luminous Spark, she gains an extra 500 attack points [ATK 3100/DEF 300 LV 7]. Now Trap card, Call of the Haunted. This revives one monster in the graveyard. The monster I revive is Hysteric Fairy, who also gains a boost [ATK 2300/DEF 100 LV 4]. At this time, the effect of Athena activates. Whenever a Fairy type monster is summoned, I deal 600 points of damage to the opponent. Heaven's Anger
She points her spear and lightning fires out that hits Alicia. She cries out in pain [Alicia LP = 3400]. Where Yusuke is he suddenly wakes up with a start.
Yusuke: Alicia…
Tamika, Axel, Dex and Seth also feel it
Neo: What's wrong?
Seth: …Someone's in trouble
Lila: Hurts doesn't it? Don't worry little girl. I'll try to not make it last. Now I release the Hysteric Fairy I just brought back to summon Tethys, Goddess of Light [ATK 2400-2900/DEF 1800-1400 LV 5]. And now, I'll finish you with a double direct attack! Athena, Tethys, go!
Alicia: Not so fast! Trap card, Mirror Force. This card destroys all my opponent's monsters in attack mode.
Lila: As if! You honestly thought I wouldn't see something like that coming?! Trap card, Continuous Trap, Life Light Stream. By releasing a LIGHT monster, I can negate the activation of a card that would destroy multiple LIGHT monsters. By releasing Tethys, I negate Mirror Force
Alicia: What?!
Lila: Now Athena attacks you directly. Wisdom Spear!
Tethys becomes a comet that destroys Mirror Force. Athena smiles and throws her spear, becoming an arrow that hits Alicia and sends her flying back onto the ground [Alicia LP = 300]
Lila: Won't be much longer now. All I need to do is special Summon another Fairy type monster and you lose right away! Turn end
Alicia: She's tough…but she hasn't used her Machine Emperor yet. Surely she was sent by the same people who sent the Machine Emperor users. Hey, why haven't you summoned the Machine Emperor?
Lila: Machine Emperor?
Alicia: Don't pretend you don't know! Everyone else sent after us uses them. I know you have one too. Don't insult me by treating me with kiddy gloves! Use the Machine Emperor, I'm not scared!
Lila: Kid…what are you talking about? Machine Emperors? Is that some kind of new toy or something?
Alicia: What, so she really doesn't know? I thought she was just joking with me. I guess not. Alright, my turn. I summon Silent Ninja of the Pond [ATK 800/DEF 600 LV 3]. Using the effect of this monster, they can attack directly. Go get her Ninja! Go, Silent Kunai!
It leaps high into the air and tosses the kunai, hitting Lila dead center in the chest. She hisses and takes a few steps back [Lila LP = 3200]
Lila: Nice shot kid. I guess you aren't so bad for a little punk. If we didn't have to fight each other, I think we could have been really good friends. Fate works out in a really sad way sometimes.
Alicia: We'll see about that! I wouldn't talk about that quite yet. I set two cards and end my turn
Lila: Time for the finale then! I draw. I remove from play two LIGHT monsters in the graveyard from play and Special Summon the Soul of Purity and Light [ATK 2000-2500/DEF 1800-1400 LV 6]. A Fairy type monster was just Special Summoned. That means you take 600 points of judgment. Get her, Wisdom Spear!
Alicia: Trap card, Light Bounce. If I were to take damage by the effect of a monster, I can bounce the effect back and destroy the monster. I'll destroy your Athena!
Lila: Doubt it! By using the effect of Life Light Stream, I can release Soul of Purity and Light to negate the destruction of my Athena.
Soul flies in front of Athena and is destroyed instead
Lila: Oh ho ho ho! Now there's nothing protecting you! This is game, set, match! Athena attacks you directly. Go!
Alicia: I knew it
Lila: You're going to need to speak up sweetie.
Alicia: I had a feeling you were going to do that. Your Athena is your key monster. I knew that when you played cards like Life Light Stream and Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Since the start of the duel, you were trying to summon Athena right away and end the duel quickly
Lila: Uh…yeah, get to the point?
Alicia: Simple. If Athena were to be shattered, than your strategy comes to an end. Trap card, Kunai with Chain. This puts your monster in defense mode and raise the attack points of my monster by 500 [ATK 1300/DEF 600 LV 3]. [ATK 3100/DEF 300 LV 7]
Lila: Athena's in defense mode! Well…no big deal! I've got three Athenas in my deck. Plus, Valhalla lets me summon a Fairy monster right away. Even if this Athena is gone, this duel is mine. She can't reverse it in one turn
Alicia: My turn. I use Pot of Greed. This lets me draw two. Please…for Yusuke…let these be the right cards…I draw! It's here! First I use the effect of Silent Ninja. She wages a direct attack on you
She leaps into the air and slices Lila across the chest with Ninja [Lila LP = 1900]
Lila: Too bad. Athena will still crush you next turn!
Alicia: Won't happen. I use the Quick- Play Spell card, Victory Celebration. When this card is activated, I can release a monster on the field and summon one directly from my hand. I release Silent Ninja of the Pond and summon Heavy Barrel Shooter [ATK 1000/DEF 1000 LV 6].
Lila: A weaker monster?
Alicia: When this monster is summoned by releasing a Warrior monster, he gains that monster's attack points [ATK 2300/DEF 1000 LV 6]. And whenever this monster attacks a monster in defense mode, you take Piercing damage
Lila: Hold on, Athena's defense is 300, her monster has 2300…hey…hold on a second! Can't we talk about this!?
Alicia: This for even thinking about hurting Yusuke. Go, Weighty Vulcan
It lifts its guns and blasts Athena to bits. Lila falls back and sobs [Lila LP = 0]
Lila: No fair…
Alicia: That's how it works. People just don't play fair
Lila: I guess you're right. So this Yusuke….is he important to you?
Alicia: More than anything.
Lila: I see…
Sirens wail as police cars drive up. Alicia dials her phone
Yusuke: Alicia, I was worried! Did something happen?
Alicia: No. Things are just fine
Meanwhile, pictures of Yusuke, Seth, Axel, Tamika, Dex, and Alicia are on video screens
???: So this is the accumulated data
Grayson: Yes. It would appear Yusuke and Seth are our only threats through
???: It would indeed. Focus all research on them. Once they see the true Machine Emperors…they will be in our grasp soon enough