Normally I dont make blogs on this. But after hearing this edit, I am so apauled, so disgusted, SO furious, I had to make a blog from this.
In the repsode where the Black Rose Witch appeared,a duelist is battling in the Daimon Area. This duelist sort of looks like Joey Wheeler. 4Kids thought so. They made this completely random duelist Joey's cousin Jesse.
W.....T.....F! WTF!!!!!????
Not only is this stupid, it's uneeded, and it wasnt in the original version. This is the most stupid edit 'v ever heard. This is even dumber then the effing Shadow Realm. In fact, I'm going to rgrade this dub.
Out of 20
Voice acting: -5/5
Music: -3/5
Name changes: -5/5
Censorship: -5/5
Final score for the 5D's dub: -18/20
Eff rthis dub, and eff everything in it. This Japaneise version is SO muhc better. I am now a strictly sub fan.
I am done. Have an effing nice day.