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Riders of Fate Episode 135

Episode 135: Hope For the Future, Dragon's Prophecy

Deep in the castle, Chimera and Neo are walking.

Chimera: Br…

Neo: What?

Chimera: You ever get that feeling where you just know something is wrong, deep in your gut?

Neo: Not really…I'm an android though, so maybe that's just me.

Chimera: It's probably nothing anyway. Still though…now I can't shake the feeling something's up.

Tamika: What do you mean it'll be too late? You're that guy Axel was chasing after, Dog right?

Dog: You remember my name? You've got a good memory. I only recall my name being said once before.

Tamika: Axel mentions you often. You're the one who sent Viral after him.

Dog: That, well, I didn't really want to do. Viral even unnerves me if I'm honest. I only let him go to appease him.

Tamika: And now you sent Snake after him too? He separated us?

Dog: Yes well…that I didn't really want to do. To be honest, Snake disturbs me. I only allowed it so he'd go away.

Tamika: Where are they now?! Tell me!

Dog: Didn't I already tell you? Maybe your memory isn't that great after all. Let me say it again. Even if you go, it's pointless. Your friend has lost.

Exarion Universe plows Axel and hits him in the chest. Axel's eyes widen as he doubles over and Snake laughs.


A robed man is blasted back and sucked inside a door as Mercury is panting in front of a few figures.

Mercury: These guys just keep coming! There's no end to them! Could have sworn I feel Axel's power a few minutes ago. Did something happen?

His The Boiling MERCURY is destroyed as he turns.

Mercury: Right now I have to stop focused on my own situation! Besides, he has Accel Synchro. He should be fine.

Axel stands there looking on in horror as Exarion Universe charges towards him. It moves its lance and strikes him in the chest. He coughs and falls to his knees.

Snake: That's game over. 1400 points of damage puts you at negative life points. Too bad. For all I've heard about you, you were pretty underwhelming.

Axel suddenly glows. He looks in shock as his life points don't change.

Snake: Huh? 1400 out of 250 is -1150! You should have lost!

Axel: I see…the monster sent to the graveyard!

He remembers as he looks into the light.

Man: Here you go, Axel. A present from America.

Axel: Oh boy! A rare card, it's gotta be! Hang on…Guidance Dragon!?

Woman: Yes. What's the problem?

Axel: It is so weak! It has no attack or defense points, plus you can only use it in the graveyard! Who would use a lame card like this?

Man: Axel…there's more to a card than power.

Axel: I know that. But this card is completely useless. I'd be a laughingstock if I used this!

Man: Axel…the Seshia family was not always wealthy. Only when we matched the Kaiba bloodline did we become wealthy. This card is like that. It may not be strong by itself, but it represents perseverance. It things look bad, as long as you have this card, victory will be yours. Trust me.

Axel: Fine dad…

Axel snickers as the flashback ends.

Axel: To think…this card would save my a [ss] someday. I really must have fallen far. When Guidance Dragon is in my graveyard during when I receive a direct attack, I get to negate the attack and gain 800 life points instead [Axel LP = 1050].

Snake: Hm, that was fast. Not bad! Now things are getting interesting! It's no fun if you can't fight back! I always love something with some fight in it! Keep it up, it might actually be fun! I end my turn.

Axel: I was able to survive that turn, but just barely. As long as Chain Energy is out, I'll have to keep paying life points to use cards. In my hand there's Prime Material Dragon. If only I could get it on the field…it all depends what I draw next. Here I go then, draw! The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. This should be able to hold him off. Yes, this'll be good! I set a monster [Axel LP = 550]. Turn end.

Snake: A set monster eh? Not bad, not bad! You're actually able to defend yourself this late in the duel! Let's see if your shield can stay up though! Here's hoping it doesn't tip back and land on you! Draw!

Axel: What'd he draw?

Snake: Tch. You got lucky. This card doesn't really help me. Anyway, I end my turn.

Axel: You do? What happened to all your talk huh? So much for that.

Snake: Hey, I want this to be fun. But I also want to win. If you gave up life to summon that, it must be something you know will stay on the field. Which means it either has high defense points or some kind of effect.

Axel: Damn, are you serious? This guy's brighter than he looks.

Snake: Besides, I want to see more of the way you fight. Come on, show me what makes you so well-known. Turn end!

Axel: Hmph, if you say so! You'd better not regret that though! Here I go, draw! And now with this I win! I release my set monster [Axel LP = 50] and Advance Summon my Prime Material Dragon [ATK 2400/DEF 2000 LV 6].

Snake: Wow! You actually managed to summon a powerful monster despite Chain Energy! Not bad, not bad!

Axel: Keep talking. Clearly you don't know how to add. Once I attack, this duel is done! Prime Material Dragon, finish him! Prime Blast!

Dragon roars and spits fire. Exarion Universe charges forward [ATK 1400/DEF 1900 LV 4]. Universe burns up and the fire divides to hit Snake.

Tamika: What do you mean by that? Snake can't be that strong.

Dog: It has nothing to do with power. He is just a slippery predator. Right when his prey thinks it has gotten away, he lunges with his poison fangs…and injects the poison. And once that has happened, he's won.

The fire hits Snake and sends him flying back. He cries in pain [Snake LP = 0].

Axel: What'd I tell you? If that's all you've got, you were a fool to fight me.

Snake begins to laugh. Axel looks in shock as Snake stands back up [Snake LP = 1275].

Axel: Impossible! You should have lost! You have no set cards! How did your life just jump like that?!

Snake: A snake always waits for its prey to be unprepared. And then when it least expects it, lunge! I discarded by Tricky Serpent. I can discard it when I take damage that reduces my life to zero. Instead, I raise my life points by the attack points of my monster, 1800. Plus the 475 I had gives me a total of 2275, minus the 1000, gives me 1275! Thanks for the boost in life points!

Axel: Damn it! Are you serious?! I was this close to winning!

Snake: Sorry rich boy. But I ain't gonna let you win so easily. You'll just have to keep trying.

Axel: Whatever! The result will be the same as long as Chain Energy steals life from both of us! Just you wait; I'll come back for the win! Turn end.

Snake: Looks like my turn then, draw! I set one monster in defense mode. [Snake LP = 750]. Turn end.

Axel: Back on defense so soon? Lame! Draw. I summon Luster Dragon [ATK 1900/DEF 1600 LV 4].

Snake: Hm? You don't have enough life for that though. Oh! I see! Prime Material Dragon has some kind of effect!

Axel: That's right. Prime Material Dragon reverses any gains and losses to my life points. So that 500 points of damage will instead boost my life points [Axel LP = 550].

Snake: Reversing the effect of my Chain Energy. I change my mind! You're now a chump rather than being a weakling!

Axel: You're so damn annoying! Just shut up will you!? From my hand, I use the Spell card Dragon's Prophecy [Axel LP = 1050]. Now 2 turns from now, if I have two monsters on the field to Release, I can select one level 8 or higher Dragon type monster in my deck, sacrifice those two monsters, and summon the high level monster.

Snake: You're taking a big risk. You assume those adorable little monsters are even going to be around next turn!

Axel: True, they may not. But it'll end this turn anyway! Luster Dragon, wipe out his set monster! Sapphire Ray!

The monster fires its attack. The set monster flips up, but holds back the attack [ATK 0/DEF 1900 LV 4]

Axel: 1900 attack points, are you serious!? What do you have to do to beat this guy?!

Snake: Come now, you didn't think I'd make it easy right?! Wall Golem has 1900 defense points. Plus, when he flips up, my life points increase by 800 [Snake LP = 1550].

Axel: Fine, it won't change anything! Prime Material Dragon, take it down!

Dragon roars and spits fire, melting Golem. Snake only laughs as the fire blows around him.

Snake: My monster was in defense mode. I take no damage.

Axel: It doesn't matter. As long as I have Prime Material Dragon, my life points will keep increasing. So in other words, defeat is impossible for me! And besides, in two turns I'll get a more powerful monster anyway.

Snake: Of course. Rich guys like you think you are so invincible. Let me tell you that your way of thinking is wrong!

Axel: Is that right you smug jerk? Then show me I'm so wrong!

Snake: Ha ha ha! Okay, but only because you asked! Here I go, draw! Well look at that! I use the Spell card Pot of Greed! This lets me draw 2 cards [Snake LP = 1050]. When the monster Watapon is drawn through the effect of a card, I can throw this monster down on the field! Come on out Watapon [ATK 200/DEF 300 LV 1] [Snake LP = 550].

Axel: Watapon? Why summon such a weak monster? Unless his plan is to use a Release Summon!

Snake: I release Watapon. This lets me Advance Summon the king of binding, the master who rules by chains. Come on out, Master of Chains [ATK 2400/DEF 1500 LV 6].

Axel: Only 2400 attack points? Ha! It won't help much. You barely have any life points left [Snake LP = 50].

Snake: How foolish, judging a monster based on attack points. Master of Chains lowers the attack points of all other monsters by 300 [ATK 2100/DEF 2000 LV 6] [ATK 1600/DEF 1600 LV 4].

Axel: What?! By 300?!

Snake: That's right! It's small, but that amount represents a gap you can never cross! If you want to stop him, you need a monster with at least 2800 attack points! In your current stake, you can never cross that powerful gap.

Axel: Damn it…

Snake: Battle! Master of Chains, destroy Luster Dragon! Chain Storm!

Chains move and fly through the air, impaling Dragon in five different places and it blows up. Axel flies back from the explosion and hits the ground hard [Axel LP = 250].

Snake: Let's see, weak monster, only 250 life points, and no way of summoning a monster with 2800 points. Yep, looks like I win!

Axel: Damn it…Dragon's Prophecy only works when I have two monsters on the field to Release. If I do not have them, I won't be able to summon a strong monster! I lose…sooner or later; Chain Energy will cut away my last few life points.

Snake: That's the face I wanted to see, right there! That face of complete and total despair! The face that says, "I'm screwed." People like you deserve it. Wealth is the one thing that kills someone more than anything else. Without money, someone is able to look at the things they have. With it, someone tries to obtain false happiness. Even your so called friends don't love you. They only surround you because of your money. Without it, you really are nothing.

Axel: Shut up! What the hell does someone like you know?!

Snake: I know a lot more than you do! Believe it or not, I was once wealthy too. I had so much money I could buy a TV for my bathroom and drink melted gold! And I thought I was living it up like no one ever lived before! But one day, I was soaking in my tub and I looked around. And then I noticed something. I wasn't happy. All those things were just over the top, all the satisfaction ran hollow. And I realized I was all alone. Not a single person liked me for me!

Axel: Can't say I blame them…

Snake: My point is that the joy you feel is fake. You stomp on others trying to prove superiority and think you are so mighty. In fact, you are weaker than I am! At least I know who I am! You don't know even know who you are!

Axel: Shut up! Everyone…everyone likes me for me, right?

Snake: You're arrogant. You're cruel. You push everyone away in favor of your own strength. Answer me, who would want a friend like that?!

Axel looks down.

Tamika: You're wrong.

Dog: Hm?

Tamika: I know Axel. He's a jerk, a selfish jerk who thinks the world revolves around him. He usually fights only in his best interest and he's a pain to be around. But…he's a real duelist. And I know even if his life were to hit zero, he would not surrender the duel.

Axel: Here I go…draw. I set a monster [Axel LP = 750]. Next I change Prime Material Dragon to defense mode [ATK 2100/DEF 2000 LV 6].

Snake: What's this? You're still going to fight?

Axel: I don't give up. Even if my opponent is a living demon, I can't afford to surrender for those counting on me.

Snake: You still believe those people are your friends? How laughable! Draw! Battle, destroy his Prime Material Dragon!

Chains shoot out from all directions and tear the monster apart from the inside out.

Snake: Only a set card. Not much you can do now. Face it. Anything you try will result in defeat. You might as well give up! Really think. What is there worth fighting for?

Axel: My friends….

Snake: Fool! You have no real friends! They only surround you because of what you can give them. You don't even treat them as equals! It's always about you isn't it?

Axel: I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong. I used to be a jerk. I thought I was so strong and so much better than anyone else. But you know, I've changed! Meeting everyone else, even though I didn't want to, they changed me. I realized that being selfish was making me lonely. Even without my money, everyone still cares. They are real friends!

Snake: Oh please…

Axel: I'll show you! I draw! I Flip Summon my Double Dragon [ATK 1700/DEF 500 LV 4]. If this monster is released for a Dragon type monster, he counts as two Release monsters.

Snake: That won't help. His attack points are too low. Besides, even if you do summon something, you would have by now.

Axel: You're right, I don't have the right monsters in my hand, but in my deck….I do!

Snake: Your deck? So what? Wait…that card you used several turns ago…it can't be!

Axel: I release Double Dragon and using the power of Dragon's Prophecy, summon a powerful monster from the deck. Come on out Blue- Eyes White Dragon [ATK 3000-2700/DEF 2500 LV 8].

Snake: Are you serious?! [Axel LP = 250]. No! This is impossible! I've planned out everything perfectly! So how..!?

Axel: How? Simple as this. Do not judge someone based on what they are, but on whom. Time to take you out! Blue- Eyes, finish him! Burst Stream of Destruction!

Blue- Eyes charges its attack and fires. Master sends out chains to form a shield as the shatter.

Snake: Impossible…

Master is blasted to pieces as the beam hits Snake, making him scream in pain [Snake LP = 0]. He flies back as a wall shatters, much to Tamika and Dog's surprise. Snake flies into a second wall and crumples.

Snake: Ah well…it was fun while it lasted. I've got no regrets…

A door appears behind and pulls him inside laughing. Axel crawls through the hole panting.

Dog: Amazing…

Tamika: Axel! You made it!

Axel: Course I did! I'm not so weak as to be beaten by small fry like that.

Tamika: Should have expected that of you. Hope you're ready for something else.

Axel: I know. The battle is just starting.

They both turn and stand at ready as Dog watches with a slightly amused smile under his hood.

Dog: You've grown a lot…Axel.

He removes his hood. Axel snarls, but then his eyes widen.

Axel: B…Brutus?!

To be continued

Yusuke: Um…today we'll be going over Double Dragon. By releasing this card, it counts as two Release monsters for a Dragon. And um…..why isn't Baron doing this again?

Dante: He's not coming until next episode. Honestly, what's keeping him?

Baron and his guards look annoyed as they sit in a car in the middle of a crowded road.

Baron: I knew we should have taken the subway…