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Riders of Fate Episode 80

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Armen: Come now Sigma, no need to act so harsh towards your father

Neo: Shut up! I'm done talking to you!

He storms off. Aslo walks up

Aslo: He's so remarkably human…

Armen: It was a mistake to give him such a free will. Now he's actually thinking that he's human. When you really think about it, it's quite sad.

He walks off. Aslo simply coughs and follows him. In the garage, Marie straps her skates to her feet.

Marie: No matter who I fight, I just need to win.

Neo is tying his helmet to his head

Neo: Alright, here we go. Hope I do alright. After all, Yusuke expects me to fight him.

???: Kill him.

Neo is shocked and looks around

Neo: That's odd. I could have sworn I heard something.

He keeps looking around and shrugs it off, racing out into the stadium, lining up next to Marie.

Neo: Hey there. I'm Neo. Let's have a fun duel, okay?

Marie: I'll crush you. Flattery means nothing to me

Neo: N-No. I wasn't trying to flatter you, I was being honest…

Marie: Your kindness is lost on me, sorry. Yusuke is the one I want to fight. Compared to him, you're a scrub.

Neo: Oh…okay…

???: Little pest. She has no right to speak like that

Neo: I heard it again! Hey…did you hear a voice just now?

Marie: You talking, yes

Neo: No, that's not what I meant! Before I was talking!

Marie: Your mind game is lost on me. Stop wasting time and just duel already.

Neo: Yeah….guess it was just my imagination. That was weird though. Maybe I am just nervous

Tony: Don't take it too personally. Marie just gets in the zone when she duels. She doesn't really mean what she says

Greg: So, let's see what Sigma can do.

Announcer: Now, without further delay, let's get our next duel underway! Neo Speed World, set on!

Vehicles: Duel mode. Auto-pilot standby

Computer: Duel start. Initiating course. Countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Both: Duel! [Neo LP = 4000][Marie LP = 4000]

Both race off from the starting line. They race towards the first corner as everyone begins to cheer. Armen sips a glass of wine and smiles as he watches.

Marie: The first corner will be mine.

She gets closer and kicks at Neo's head. He ducks under and slows to avoid her blows as she races for the corner

Neo: No!

???: No need to be so polite.

Neo's eyes glaze over as he races forward. Marie looks surprised and aims to kick as Neo bumps into her, slamming her against the guardrail and takes the first corner

Dex: What's he doing?! She isn't using a D- Wheel! She could get really hurt!

Neo: Huh? Oh no! Are you okay?! I don't know what came over me!

Marie: Hmph…so that's the way you want to play it huh? Fine then, we'll play rough.

Tamika: Something isn't right here. Neo would never do something like that. What's going on?

Neo: Well, I'll go first. I draw. I summon Vylon Pentacro in defense mode [ATK 500/DEF 500 LV 4]. I set a card and end my turn. That was really weird. I keep hearing this voice. Maybe….I just need to relax a little. It has to be nerves. Yeah…just nerves. It can't be anything else.

Marie: My turn. [SPC: Neo = 1 Marie = 1]. I summon Lonefire Blossom [ATK 500/DEF 1500 LV 3]. Now by releasing Blossom, I get to Special Summon one Plant type monster in my deck. The monster I'll summon is Gigaplant [ATK 2400/DEF 1200 LV 6]

Neo: She summoned a high level Plant type monster without paying a cost!

Marie: Gigaplant, destroy Vylon Pentacro.

Gigaplant reaches down and chomps the monster, throwing it into the air and swallowing it.

Neo: Trap card, Time Machine! This lets me revive a monster that was just destroyed in battle. Vylon Pentacro comes back [ATK 500/DEF 500 LV 4]

Marie: You saved your monster. You won't do it again. I set a card and end my turn. Come, it's your turn.

Neo: Alright, it's my turn [SPC: Neo = 2 Marie = 2]. Speed Spell- Angel Baton. This lets me draw 2 cards from my deck. Then I select one of them and send it to the graveyard. Now for Speed Spell- Vision Wind

Announcer: Amazing! Neo combines Speed Spells effectively!

Neo: With this, I revive one level 2 or below monster in my graveyard. I revive Vylon Tetra [ATK 900/DEF 900 LV 2]. Now I Normal Summon Vylon Cube [ATK 800/DEF 800 LV 3] I tune my level 3 Vylon Cube and my level Vylon Pentacro

Cube becomes 3 rings that Pentacro flies through, becoming 4 stars [3 + 4 = 7]

Neo: Summon, the third strongest among the divine robots. Synchro Summon! Vylon Delta [ATK 1700/DEF 2800 LV 7]. When this card is summoned, an Equip Spell card is added from my deck to my hand. Then I tune my level 7 Vylon Delta and my level 2 Vylon Tetra.

Yusuke: Double Synchro Summon!

Tetra becomes 2 rings that Delta flies through becoming 7 stars [2 + 7 = 9]

Neo: Appear, the first of the great holy robots. Synchro Summon! Vylon Alpha [ATK 2200/DEF 1100 LV 9]. Now that Vylon Cube was used as Synchro material, another Equip Spell card is added to my hand.

Leon: Equip Spells huh? Usually they do pretty well. But in a Riding Duels, Equip Spells become a lot less useful. There are a few Speed Equip Spells, but not enough to build a strategy. So to even bother to put Speed Equips Spells in his deck, what is he planning?

Marie: A strategy based on Equip Spells? You are a strange one.

???: Synchro monsters. Such ugly monsters.

Neo: That voice again! Where s it coming from?!

Armen: Well, I may be wrong, but things appear to be going our way Aslo

Aslo: Yes sir.

Neo: Now I equip Vylon Alpha with Speed Spell- Damage Capsule. Now when I take damage through the next of Neo Speed World, as long as the equipped monster is on the field, all that damage is reduced to zero. Now I equip him with Axe of Despair, raising his power by 1000 [ATK 3200/DEF 1100 LV 9]

Announcer: What an amazing combo! With that, Neo can use his Equip Spells without worry! Normally, using a regular Spell card in the domain of Neo Speed World is punished with 2000 points of damage, but Damage Capsule cancels that step completely!

Tony: Say, this guy actually has a coherent strategy. What do you know?

Neo: Here we go, battle! Vylon Alpha attacks Gigaplant. Axe Cut!

Marie: Fool. A duelist leaves no monster unguarded. Trap card, Wall of Thorns. When a Plant type monster I control is selected as an attack target, I can destroy the attacking monster.

Thorns grow out of the ground and form a barrier that blocks the axe. The attack rebounds, destroying Alpha

Neo: No! Vylon Alpha!

Marie: That's what you get for not defending yourself.

Neo: Heh. Got ya!

Alpha reforms and cuts through the barrier and Gigaplant. Gigaplant looks surprised as it blows up. Marie is hit by the smoke and slows down [Marie LP = 3200]

Marie: What the hell just happened? I destroyed your monster.

Neo: It's like you said. Never leave your monsters unprotected no matter what. Vylon Alpha isn't affected by Spells or Traps. Wall of Thorns is a Trap card, which means it does not affected him

Marie: Well, not bad. I guess I took you too lightly kid. Alright, you've got my full attention now.

Neo: Wow, I just got through that. But as long as I have Vylon Alpha on the field, I should be safe.

???: Pathetic. Had you summoned anything else, you would have been left defenseless.

Neo: Who are you?! Who's saying all that?!

???: You've finally become aware of me. It's been months now. You are such an idiot to take you this long.

Neo: That doesn't answer my question! Who are you?!

???: You'll find out soon enough. Maybe after this duel I'll tell you.

Marie: Why are you talking to yourself?

Neo: Oh! I…uh…I'm just trying to relax, that's all! You know, trying to calm myself down. Talking to someone can have a very therapeutic effect on someone you know.

Marie: …Weirdo. It's my turn [SPC: Marie = 3 Neo = 3]. I summon Revival Rose in defense mode [ATK 1300/DEF 1300 LV 4]. I also place one card face down and end my turn

Axel: Something ain't right here. All she did was summon a low level monster. I thought her deck was Synchro Summon based.

Tamika: Idiot! Even someone with a Synchro Summoned deck can't Synchro Summon without proper materials

Neo: Here we go, my draw! [SPC: Neo = 4 Marie = 4]. I summon Vylon Charger in attack mode [ATK 1000/DEF 1000 LV 4]. Hopefully I can end this before she Synchro Summons that Black Rose Dragon. Alright, Vylon Alpha attacks Revival Rose!

Alpha chops the monster cleanly in two.

Neo: And now Vylon Charger attacks directly! Surge Shot!

It fires a beam of energy that hits Marie [Marie LP = 2200].

Neo: Alright, won't be much longer now. Turn end

Marie: Idiot. As if this meager amount of damage can keep my soul down. I draw [SPC: Marie = 5 Neo = 5]. I summon Witch of the Black Rose [ATK 1700/DEF 1200 LV 4]. Now, using her effect, I draw a card from my deck. And if it is not a monster card, it goes to the graveyard. I draw. The monster card Dark Verger. Speed Spell- Quick Grow. When a Plant type monster is added to my hand by the effect of a card, I can Special Summon it to the field [ATK 0/DEF 1000 LV 2]. And for every other Plant type monster on the field, I draw a card from my deck. Here we go. I tune my level 4 Witch of the Black Rose and level 2 Dark Verger

Witch becomes 4 rings that Verger flies through, becoming 2 stars [4 + 2 = 6]

Marie: Within the garden we call life; an emissary of the underworld plants her seeds of death. Synchro Summon! Splendid Rose [ATK 2200/DEF 2000 LV 6]

Neo: No! I was hoping to stop her before she could Synchro Summon!

Marie: By removing from play one Plant type monster in the graveyard, I halve the attack points of a monster my opponent controls. I remove Lonefire Blossom and halve the power of Vylon Alpha [ATK 1600/DEF 1100 LV 9].Splendid Rose, attack. Rose Thorn Whip

It whips Alpha and destroys it. Neo cries as the pieces fly at him [Neo LP = 3400]

Marie: Now since Splendid Rose destroyed a monster in battle, I remove a Plant type monster in my graveyard [Gigaplant], halve Rose's attack points [ATK 1100/DEF 2000 LV 6] and attack again. Strike down Vylon Charger.

Rose swings another vine whip and destroys Charger, striking Neo across the face [Neo LP = 3300]

Neo: Rats…in one turn she turned things around

Marie: I place one card face down. Turn end. At this time, Splendid Rose is restored to normal stats [ATK 2200/DEF 2000 LV 6]

Neo: H-Here we go. I draw. [SPC: Neo = 6 Marie = 6]. I…set a monster and a card and end my turn

Marie: Is that all?

Neo: Y…Yes. What can I do? Against Splendid Rose, none of my monsters can fight it. How can I defeat that thing?

???: If you were to use that card, you might.

Neo: You again!? Why don't you reveal yourself already!?

???: That is impossible. I can only appear if that card is used.

Neo: That card…wait, do you mean…?!

???: Yes, that card!

Neo: No way! I'd never use a card like that!

???: Do you have a choice? At this rate, if you don't use it, you are going to lose another duel.

Neo: Lose….but if I lose….I'll never get to fight Yusuke…

Seth: Something's going on with Neo. He isn't driving straight

Salia: What do you think it is?

Seth: No idea….but I don't like it.

Marie: My turn [SPC: Marie = 7 Neo = 7]. Enough. This duel is boring me. I'll end it now. I summon Copy Plant [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. This card copies the level of a Plant type monster out. I choose Splendid Rose [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 6]. Now since a Plant type Tuner monster has been summoned, I revive Dark Verger [ATK 0/DEF 1000 LV 2]. Trap card, Withering. This lowers the level of a Plant type monster by 1. I choose Copy Plant [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 5]

Yusuke: 7 stars….is she…

Marie: I tune my level 5 Copy Plant and level 2 Dark Verger

Plant becomes 5 rings that Verger flies through, becoming 2 stars [5 + 2 = 7]

Marie: Mask of flesh, heart of vines, become the dark and beautiful flower that destroys this world. Your fire will sear the world and your elegance will shatter the barrier between life and death. Synchro Summon! The dragon of destruction, Black Rose Dragon [ATK 2400/DEF 1800 LV 7]

Vines grow out of the ground and into the Dragon, which roars and flaps its wings. Everyone watches in awe

Announcer: It's here! Marie's ace monster, Black Rose Dragon!

Neo: Black Rose Dragon….


Narrator: The duel between Neo and Marie continues. With two Synchro monsters on the field, Neo is in a tough situation against Splendid Rose and Black Rose Dragon. And then, the voice offers a way out. Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Riders of Fate, Episode 81: Unlock, the Power of Project Sigma.