Card of the Day: Koa'ki Meiru Angel
Episode 83: The Secret Underground Movement Moves Out!
Announcer: And with Leon's victory, round 1 comes to a close! I hope you've all had fun today, but I'm afraid we need to wrap things up for today! We're going to announce our duels for round 2 tomorrow. That way, it's a surprise!
Seth: Yeah, a surprise. Gives them perfect time to rig the matches tomorrow if you ask me.
Announcer: And so ladies and gentlemen, this is where we sign off for today. Make sure you come back tomorrow for some more great duels! I hope to see you there!
The big screen shuts off and the crowd begins to leave
Alicia: Tomorrow then. Hey, Yusuke, we were going to hang out. Wanna come?
Yusuke: Huh? Oh…no thanks. I've got….you know, training and stuff. After all, tomorrow's competition is going to be even tougher.
Dex: Well…okay. Good luck.
Yusuke: Yeah….
He stands up and goes a different direction. Tamika stands up as someone passes her.
Man: It's a wonderful day. Makes you want to get some coffee, doesn't it?
Tamika watches him leave and looks angry, ten leaves with the others
In the rougher part of town, Tamika walks to the café. The waiter is there and he sees her.
Waiter: What's up? You thirsty?
Tamika: Oh yes. It's quite the day for a ….coffee.
The waiter grins and walks back into the café. Tamika sits waiting when he comes back, putting the cup down,
Waiter: Enjoy the drink. There might even be something special for you at the bottom of the cup.
Tamika nods and begins to drink from the cup. When she finishes, there is a note at the bottom of the glass. She looks up and the waiter nods his head. He turns and walks away as she stands up and walks away too. A fly camera in the sky flies off as Tamika gets on her bike and drives away. That night, Tamika looks around and walks into the old arcade. She places the Koa'ki Meiru Maximus card on the game. The game moves and Tamika crawls down the hole into the Movement's main headquarters.
Waiter: Good, we're all here.
Man: Time to become the meeting. Speaking will be Craig, who has recently found out some information on Grayson's next big deal
Craig: Right, listen up. Here's what I heard. Tonight, Grayson is making a deal with Capona, a fellow crime lord from America. Tonight at midnight, a supply ship from America will be coming to pick up supplies Grayson is trading. What he's trading, I don't know. But if Grayson's involved, we can't be too careful
Woman: What's the plan then?
Tamika: That should be obvious. Stop the deal, right?
Craig: Exactly. What we need to do is stop the ship from entering the harbor. Or we could play it the more fun approach and simply go buck wild there until they run away.
Waiter: That seems a little risky to me. After all, adding in the thugs on the ship, Grayson will have a lot of men working for him. And well, it appears more of our members are vanishing every day.
Tamika: The size of our army isn't what matters. In fact, I think what we have is just fine.
Waiter: Really? Care to explain Skull?
Tamika: It's a simply solution really. Grayson's gang is so big; he won't notice a slight change. What we need to do is head to the docks and sneak inside the group. Then, we can disable the delivery from the inside; give the stolen goods to the cops.
Waiter: Not a bad idea. And it's perfect. We're getting Grayson right from the inside. Great plan Skull.
Kid: Yeah, but how? We can't just blend into the ground so easily. There's gotta be more to it than that.
Tamika: You leave those details to me. All I need from you guys is to get me to the main room. Then I'll deal with everything else.
Waiter: Alright. We're trusting you on this one. Don't let us down.
Tamika: Believe me, I won't. Otherwise….Grayson really does away with it.
Waiter: Alright everyone, take care of wha you need to take care of. In exactly two hours, we set off!
Everyone there cheers. Elsewhere, Alicia is up writing when she hears a knock. She looks over at the door and opens it, seeing Axel standing there.
Alicia: Axel, what are you doing here?
Axel: I was passing through. I wanted to talk to someone
Alicia: Well….okay. I would just….think I'm the last person you'd want to speak to.
Axel: Shut up, I'm trying to be nice here. No need to be rude.
Alicia: Sorry, sorry. What did you want to talk about?
Axel: It might just be me….but is Tamika acting different to you?
Alicia: Huh? Not really. She's usually acting in solitude.
Axel: Hmph. Then I am the only one who's noticed.
Alicia: Noticed what?
Axel: Only someone who's trying to hide something sees it when someone else tries to hide something.
Alicia: Are you saying Tamika's keeping secrets?
Axel: I'm not implying she's doing anything wrong. All I'm saying is that she isn't telling us the whole truth. Either something happened to her, or she feels like she can't trust us….or there's something only she can do,
At the Movement, everyone is on a D- Wheel. Tamika puts on her Skull mask and looks at the card one more time
Tamika: Just wait Corey…soon you'll be avenged.
Waiter: Listen up, here's the plan! We're all going to the docks. Half of us will form a perimeter and prevent anyone from escaping. Half of that half will cause some chaos and draw everyone away. Tamika and her group will go to the main supply ship and take it. After tonight, we'd have crippled Grayson's deals overseas. Now, enough talk! Let's get right down to business!
Everyone cheers and take off down the road. As they ride towards the docks the fly camera follows them. At the docks, Chimera is looking out over the sea when he answers his phone
Grayson: They are on the way
Chimera: ….Right.
Grayson: Take care of them quickly. They have been a thorn in my side for far too long.
Chimera: Yes….
Grayson: And if the girl gets in your way….do not hesitate.
Chimera: …I understand.
He turns off his phone and keeps looking out over the ocean. A short time later, the gang gets near the docks
Waiter: Wait….something isn't right.
Man: What do you mean?
Waiter: There's supposed to be a supply ship coming in right? I would think security would be tight. But we've barely seen any guards so far.
Man: What are you trying to say?
Waiter: …Thing seem a little too easy.
Searchlights come on. Many people on D- Wheels race out after them
Woman: It's a trap!
Gang member: Just like da boss predicted!
Gang member 2: We've got you, you bas [tards]! You're not getting away!
Gang member 3: All it took were empty rumors. We should have thought of this sooner!
Waiter: Damn! Skull, finish the job! Get to the control tower above all else! We need to call for help!
Skull: Got it!
She races off
Gang member: Oh no you don't!
Waiter: Oh no YOU don't!
He bumps into the thug chasing after Tamika many times until they both slow down. Tamika keeps racing ahead and stops when she sees Chimera standing before the control tower.
Tamika: I guess you aren't going to let me pass?
Chimera shakes his head and motions to his D- Wheel
Tamika: So I need to fight you. That's fine. This guy….he uses Koa'ki Meiru monsters. This duel is the only way all of my questions about him can be answered.
Chimera nods and gets on his bike. He races off and Tamika races after him. Chimera taps some buttons quickly
Chimera: Duel Disk, speech function engaged.
Tamika: Still don't feel like talking? No big worries. Let's go ahead and fight already! Neo Speed World, set on!
D- Wheel: Duel mode, auto-pilot standby
Both: Duel! [Chimera LP = 4000][Skull LP = 4000]
Waiter: What the hell is she doing?! She needs to get to the control tower right away! We don't have time for this!
Gang member: You're fighting me! Don't forget that! None of your friends are getting out of here alive!
Tamika races Chimera to the first turn. Tamika turns and sees Chimera looking down away from her. She gets angry
Tamika: What?! You're not even going to look me in the eye while we duel! Damn it, look at me!
She moves to hit him when he speeds up and takes the first corner.
Tamika: He tricked me!
Chimera's D- Wheel: Here we go. Draw Phase. Main Phase. I summon Koa'ki Meiru Wall [ATK 1900/DEF 1200 LV 4]. . I place two cards face down, turn end. End Phase. At this time, I reveal Koa'ki Meiru Guardian, a Rock type monster in my hand, and prevent Wall from being destroyed.
Tamika: He didn't discard Core. Which means he probably doesn't even have it in his hand. Good. Now I should be able to make an attack. I draw [SPC: Skull = 1 Chimera = 1]. I summon Skull Idol [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. By releasing this card while my opponent has more cards on their field then I do on mine, I get to Special Summon Skull Flame from my deck [ATK 2600/DEF 2000 LV 8]. Skull Flame attacks Koa'ki Meiru Wall. Skull Fire.
Chimera's D- Wheel: Trap card, Core Transport Vehicle. When a Koa'ki Meiru monster on the field is attacked, I can take one Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru in my deck and place it in my hand.
The fire hits the monster and destroys it [Chimera LP = 3300]
Tamika: I was right. He didn't have it in his hand yet. I've got to be careful now. If he has Core in his hand, he can easily summon Koa'ki Meiru Maximus, or that Science Lord. I'll crush him. I set two cards and end my turn.
Chimera's Duel Disk: My turn. Draw Phase [SPC: Chimera = 2 Skull = 2]. Main Phase. Trap card, Core Reinforcement. This lets me revive one Koa'ki Meiru monster in the graveyard. I revive Koa'ki Meiru Wall [ATK 1900/DEF 1200 LV 4]. Now I release it and Advance Summon Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord [ATK 2800/DEF 2200 LV 7]. As this monster was Normal Summoned, I remove from play a Koa'ki Meiru monster in the graveyard and destroy one of your set cards.
Tamika: Mirror Force….
Chimera's D- Wheel: Battle Phase. Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord attacks Skull Flame. Castle Fist.
It punches through Skull Flame, shattering it as Tamika covers herself [Skull LP = 3800]. She gasps in pain.
Tamika: This monster…this fast paced strategy….the two of them conflict so badly. This style….it's not his.
Chimera's D- Wheel: Turn end. At this time, I discard Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru and prevent my monster from being destroyed.
Tamika: Your monster does not intimidate me. I'll still take it down. Here we go, my turn [SPC: Skull = 3 Chimera = 3]. I remove form play one Skull Flame in the graveyard and summon Supersonic Skull Fame [ATK 2600/DEF 2000 LV 10]. Next I summon Vengeful Campfire [ATK 700/DEF 300 LV 2]. I can release this monster during the Main Phase and raise the attack points of one monster on the field by 1000 points. The monster I will power up is Supersonic Skull Flame [ATK 3600/DEF 2000 LV 10]. Take out Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord!
Skull Flame charges through Rooklord and destroys it. Chimera covers himself as the smoke cloud hits him [Chimera LP = 2500]
Waiter: Things seem to be going well.
Gang member: Pay attention!
Waiter's Stone Statue of the Aztecs is destroyed by Light End Dragon. Waiter snarls in fury.
Tamika: You're supposed to be Grayson's right hand man? I'm disappointed. Your lack of skill really makes me sick.
Chimera stays silent and Tamika snarls
Tamika: What's with this guy? Doesn't he ever get angry?! I end my turn. At this time, the effects of Vengeful Campfire no longer apply [ATK 2600/DEF 2000 LV 10]
Chimera's Duel Disk: My turn. Draw Phase [SPC: Skull = 4 Chimera = 4]. Main Phase. I place a monster in face down defense mode. Next I place a card face down and end my turn. End Phase.
Tamika: Playing defense won't help! My turn [SPC: Skull = 5 Chimera = 5]. I summon Lancer Archfiend [ATK 1600/DEF 1400 LV 4]. Time to end this! I attack with Supersonic Skull Flame. This also activates the effect of Lancer Archfiend! When a monster I control attacks, I can deal Piercing damage to the opponent. Take this. Speed Dash!
Chimera's Duel Disk: I discard Koa'ki Meiru Angel and Koa'ki Meiru Guardian. Now using the effect of Angel, I can negate all damage I take from this one battle.
The face down monster is trampled.
Chimera's Duel Disk: And now that Koa'ki Meiru Boulder has been destroyed, I get to take one Koa'ki Meiru monster in my deck and add it to my hand.
Tamika: That won't save you! I attack directly with Lancer Archfiend. Skull Lance
It rushes forward and slashes Chimera. He actually gasps in pain [Chimera LP = 900]. He swerves and smacks into the wall of a building, his head smashing against the bike and cracking.
Tamika: Hey…you okay?!
Chimera coughs, but doesn't respond.
Tamika: Hmph. Turn end.
Chimera's Duel Disk: My turn. D….D…D
Chimera turns off the speech function.
Chimera: It broke. I was hoping it would last. Now I need to get it fixed.
Tamika: That….that's your voice?
Chimera: Yes.
Tamika: You….you sound like…
She gasps as Chimera slowly draws [SPC: Chimera = 6 Skull = 6]
Chimera: Trap, Core Hunt. This lets me take an Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru in the graveyard and return it to my hand. In addition, if I don't have a Koa'ki Meiru monster on the field, I get to draw one card. Now I discard Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru. This lets me Special Summon this card.
Tamika: Wait…is he?!
Chimera: Come forth, Koa'ki Meiru Maximus [ATK 3000/DEF 2500 LV 8].
Tamika: That card….I wasn't sure before. Are you…
She begins to tear up. Chimera slowly pulls off his mask. Tamika gasps when she sees this and stops her D- Wheel. Chimera stops his D- Wheel a second later as well.
Tamika: I knew it…..I knew it…'re alive.
Chimera looks up
Tamika: Corey….
Corey: Tamika….
Tamika: But….what are you doing?! Why are you working for Grayson?!
Corey: I can't tell you.
Tamika: You're supposed to be dead! And yet you're alive working for Grayson! I want answers Corey! Please….
Corey simply watches as she begins to break down
Narrator: As Tamika's brother is revealed to be Chimera, Tamika feels uncertain of continuing the fight. Chimera gains the upper hand and quickly gets the advantage. But with 30 minutes until Grayson himself arrives, can Tamika escape in time? Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Riders of Fate. Episode 84: Chimera's True Face.