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Riders of Fate Episode 98

Card of the Day: Tuner Lord

Episode 98: Tears From the Heart

In town, lots of police cars are driving down the road to the stadium. Soon, the entire building is surrounded. The police chief is there clicking his teeth.

Officer: Sir, everything's in place.

Chief: Good. Go back to your post.

Officer: Sir, I mean no disrespect, but what exactly are we doing here?

Chief: Who knows? We just wait. Until….that bast ard gives us the okay.

He looks back at the stadium. Grayson has a wide grin on his face as he watches the duel go on.

Grayson: They're here.

Armen: I see. Then everything is good. We just need to wait for things to escalate.


Both Neo and Yusuke continue to race down the road [Neo LP = 2600] [Yusuke LP = 3200]. Yusuke has no cards. Neo has no set cards and Vylon Beta equipped with Rare Metalmorph and Power Glove [ATK 3000/DEF 1500 LV 6].

Announcer: What a turn of events! One turn ago, Yusuke was in complete control of the duel! Now he appears to have fallen behind! Will he be able to make a comeback!?

Man 2: You jerk! Are you going to hurt our second king?!

Woman: Get out of here monster!

They begin to throw things at Neo. He looks around scared and swerves to avoid the things.

Sigma: See? They don't understand us. To have a human heart means to have hatred. To have a heart means to discriminate. You really want to waste your time with something like that?

Neo: …I….

Yusuke: Neo, don't worry about them! After all, you're not dueling them, you're dueling me! And you better keep your attention on me at all times!

Neo: Well…okay then!

Salia, Koga, and Arnold are watching the duel.

Salia: I'm confused. I want Seth to be avenged but….I don't want him to lose either,

Arnold: How can you say that? Seth is lying in a coma thanks to him. He should be torn to pieces and melted into soda ca

Salia: Yes, I should feel that way. But….Seth wanted to save him. So I want him to be saved too.

Koga: I feel that way too!

Arnold: …Jeez. You're going to make me feel like a jerk if I say otherwise. Fine, I feel the same way.

Yusuke: Here we go. Draw [SPC: Yusuke = 10 Neo = 10]. In one turn, I'll have surpassed Neo Speed World. Then I can destroy all of his cards. But if I do that…

He looks ahead to see Neo.

Yusuke: ….No, let's wait and weigh my options. I know I'll think of something. A way to win and save Neo. I set a monster and a card. That ends my turn.

Neo: Wow. Do I have you on the defense already? I must be a lot better than I thought.

Sigma: Say, nice banter kid.

Yusuke: Nah. I'm only throwing something down. This is nothing.

Neo: Glad to hear me. Otherwise I would have lamented getting excited. Here we go, I draw! [SPC: Neo = 11 Yusuke = 11]. I pay 10 Speed Counters to use the effect of Neo Speed World. Now I can destroy one card on the field since I also have a Speed Spell in my hand. [SPC: Neo = 1 Yusuke = 11]. I destroy your set monster.

A lightning bolt comes down and destroys it.

Neo: Next I summon Vylon Ohm [ATK 1500/DEF 200 LV 4]. I attack directly with both my monsters! This should do the trick! Finish him off!

Yusuke: Like I said before, this won't be that easy. Trap card, Winding Highway. Now when your monster attacks, there is an equal chance of your attack hitting, or redirecting. Let's see how lucky of a man you are!

Beta's laser fires. A highway appears as the attack flies into it and follows the path. It spirals around and points towards Vylon Ohm, sending the attack hurtling towards Vylon Ohm. Neo gasps as the attack hits and blows up Ohm. Neo screams in pain as the shockwaves rock him [Neo LP = 1100]. He slams into the wall and chunk of his arm cracks off, revealing circuitry underneath.

Yusuke: Neo!

He speeds up to meet him as his eyes are red.

Sigma: Yeah?

Yusuke's eyes widen as Sigma kicks him and speeds ahead, his eyes turning back to normal.

Neo: No! This is my fight! Don't interfere!

Sigma: Yeah, yeah.

Yusuke: Neo, are you okay?!

Neo: Yes, I'm fine! Don't stop, no matter what!

Yusuke: Neo…

Neo: I don't care if my body is torn to pieces! But I want to know….if there really is a heart under there! Turn end.

Yusuke: Here I go, draw [SPC: Yusuke = 12 Neo = 2]. If I use Neo Speed World, either by paying 12 or 10 Speed Counters, I could win. But if I do that….

Neo coughs and oil leaks out. Yusuke looks unsure as the crowd begins to yell at him.

Men: Stop wasting time and finish him!

Woman: We don't want a wuss for a king!

Man 2: If you don't win, get out of here!

Yusuke: I…I….I summon Heavy Crusher [ATK 1900/DEF 0 LV 4]. Now I use Speed Spell- Speed Energy. Now for this turn only, I multiply the attack points of my monster by 200 for all the Speed Counters I have. Since I have 12 Speed Counters, my Crusher gains 2400 attack points [ATK 4300/DEF 0 LV 4].

Dex: He can win the duel now!

Axel: Don't Yusuke! He still has a….

Yusuke: I attack with Heavy Crusher! Go, Heavy Press.

Neo: This isn't like you….Trap card, Double Vy. This lets me remove from play 2 Vylon monsters in my graveyard to negate an attack against me.

The monster blows into a wall of golden energy and is flung back, rolling across the ground and coming to a stop.

Yusuke: Rats, I lost my chance! Turn end.

Neo: Back to me [SPC: Yusuke = 12 Neo = 3]. I summon Vylon Stigma [ATK 1600/DEF 1000 LV 4]. I attack with Vylon Beta! Destroy Heavy Crusher.

It fires two lasers and chops the monster in two. The lights hit and burn Yusuke as he screams in pain [Yusuke LP = 2100]. He begins to slow down.

Neo: Now Vylon Stigma attacks directly!

It spins until it begins a solid sphere of light and rams into Yusuke, sending him flying. He hits the road and bounces way behind [Yusuke LP = 500].

Announcer: Oh my goodness! Yusuke's life points, in one turn, have been almost completely erased! What is he going to do now?! On this day, will we lose both of our kings!?

Armen: Perhaps he wasn't worth getting excited over after all. All this work for nothing.

Grayson: I wouldn't say that. After all, the others might just be worth the effort.

Armen: Yes, just possible. But it is still disappointing.

Yusuke manages to speed up as Neo slowly clenches his fist.

Yusuke: Sorry, I'm good! Uh….Neo? Neo, are you okay?

Neo suddenly rushes towards him and Yusuke barely avoids him.

Neo: Are you trying to insult me?!

Yusuke: Neo, what the hell do you mean?! Isn't this what you wanted?! Me and you fight?!

Neo: Yes, I did! But this is not a fight! This is the definition of sad! I got excited for this?! After all Sigma has done, you expect me to be satisfied with this?!

Sigma: Hey, I heard that!

Neo: If this is really what you've got, then it is truly a shock you managed to win against Seth! I want to face you and every last thing you've got! Otherwise, it will not be the least bit fun for me!

Yusuke: But Neo, you're falling apart!

Neo: I don't care about that!

He begins to cry oil as he looks.

Neo: Do you have any idea what if feels like? To look at yourself and see a human on the outside, but only a machine on the inside? It hurts….it really hurts. Knowing I can't feel love….or happiness…or even sadness. But I at least want to know what that means, to have a heart. Do I need to be human to have one? Or I doomed to not know what that is? Only this duel can answer my question. So please, don't hold back! Even if I need to see my heart lying with my shattered body! Just….don't leave me suffering.

Yusuke: Neo…okay. But only if you're really sure. If this is what you want more than anything else, I will not go easy on you!

Neo: That's all I'm asking for. I set a card and end my turn.

Yusuke: Here we go then [SPC: Yusuke = 12 Neo = 4]. I use the effect of Neo Speed World! I pay 12 Speed Counters to destroy all your cards [SPC: Yusuke = 0 Neo = 4].

Neo: Too late for that. Trap card, Sparkle Barrier. For this turn only, all cards on my side of the field can't be destroyed.

Fire shoots towards the monsters as the fire defuses around barriers.

Dex: Even Neo Speed World didn't work!

Tamika: I hate to say it, but it might be too late for Yusuke to fight back.

Tier: How disappointing. Perhaps I'll need to settle for the robot boy.

Alicia: No…I won't give up. I know he can win this.

Axel: Come on you idiot….don't disappoint me….

In the infirmary, Seth is tossing and turning.

Seth: Yusuke….

Yusuke: No way….

Leon: Come on kid, you can do better than this!

Yusuke: I guess….that ends my turn.

Arnold: Looks like it's over then.

Salia: No way. Neo beat them both?!

Neo: Sigma….you were right. This wasn't worth getting excited over.

Sigma: I did try to tell you.

Neo: Fine, go ahead and finish up.

His eyes turn red.

Sigma: My pleasure! Here we go, draw! [SPC: Yusuke = 1 Neo = 5]. I summon Vylon Stella [ATK 1400/DEF 200 LV 3]. Don't really like using these things, but might as well. I tune the level 4 Vylon Stigma and level 3 Vylon Stella.

Stella becomes 3 rings that Stigma flies through becoming 4 stars [4 + 3 = 7]

Sigma: Come on out buddy! I Synchro Summon my Vylon Sigma [ATK 1800/DEF 1000 LV 7].

Grayson: I might as well call and tell them there is no point. It does ruin a few months of planning.

Armen: Project Nu is a failure. How disappointing.

Sigma: Time to put this to an end! It'll shut the kid up at least! I attack you directly with Vylon Beta!

Yusuke: I send Crash Dummy to the graveyard. This allows me to negate your attack.

Dummy gets in the way and blocks the attack, blowing up.

Sigma: You avoided attack numero uno, but you won't avoid a second! Vylon Sigma attacks you directly!

Yusuke: By removing Crash Dummy form play, I can leave myself with 100 life points after this attack.

The attack hits him dead on. He screams, but manages to street straight out of the dust cloud [Yusuke LP = 100].

Sigma: Wow. Kid's made of some pretty strong stuff.

Yusuke: Hey, Sigma? Put Neo back in control. After all….I still need to show him a real duel!

Sigma: Fine, whatever.

His eyes return to normal.

Neo: Don't disappoint me. Not when we're so close to the end!

Yusuke: You got it! Don't cry about it afterwards! [SPC: Yusuke = 2 Neo = 6]. Afraid all I can do is set one card.

Neo: That's all? That's truly, truly, all you can do. I am afraid to say I am not terribly impressed. Here we go, draw. [SPC: Yusuke = 3 Neo = 7] I use Speed Spell- Taking Pity. Now you can draw 2 cards from your deck.

Yusuke: Wow, being awfully generous aren't you? There has to be more to that. There is no such thing as giving your opponent a free opportunity to win.

Neo: Ha. I guess so. Since you agreed to do this, I get to draw a card from my deck as well.

Yusuke: 2 for 1 huh? Well, that's fine with me. I'll draw 2 cards from my deck.

Neo: Then I draw one card.

Sigma: Say, with that you can….

Neo: Yes. With this, I'll be able to have a true duel. Here we go! Vylon Beta and Vylon Sigma, attack him directly!

Yusuke: Trap card, Negate Attack! This negates the opponent and all attacks they perform against me!

A barrier appears and blocks both the attacks.

Neo: Not bad. But even you won't be able to win this coming duel. I summon form my Vylon Servant [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. By sending this card and two other Synchro monsters on the field to the graveyard, I can summon a Synchro monster and ignore all its summoning conditions. But if I do, it can not attack or use its effects until the end of the turn. I release these monsters.

Yusuke: It's coming….

Neo: Come on, Vylon Omega [ATK 3200/DEF 1900 LV 10].

Announcer: Amazing! Now Neo has brought out his ace monster! Does Yusuke even have a hope of victory now?!

Salia: No! It can't end this way!

Neo: I hate to say it, but it looks like you can't win. If I were you, I'd just give up.

Yusuke: Weren't you the one who said you wanted a real duel. That means I can't give up!

Neo: I know. Just testing you.

Yusuke: On this turn, I'll show you the best part of dueling! Facing ace monsters and their duelists' souls head on!

Neo: Can't wait!

Yusuke: Here we go then. I draw! [SPC: Yusuke = 4 Neo = 8]. I use Speed Spell- Angel Baton. This allows me to draw 2 cards. Then I send one to the graveyard. Next I summon Tuner Lord [ATK 1900/DEF 0 LV 4]. When he's summoned, I revive the monster I discarded. Come on back, Dimension Dumpster [ATK 1600/DEF 1200 LV 4].I tune the level 4 Dimension Dumpster and level 4 Tuner Lord.

Dumpster becomes 4 rings that Lord flies through, becoming 4 stars [4 + 4 = 8]

Yusuke: Speed reaches the highest level and becomes a power that warps space and time. Appear now, lord of speed, Warp Speed Dragon [ATK 2500/DEF 2000 LV 8].

Alicia: He's summoned his best monster too!

Tier: Interesting.

Yusuke: This is it Neo! The final battle! I attack with Warp Speed Dragon!

Neo: Yes! Vylon Omega attacks! This excitement….is this a heart? No, keep going! Show me signs I have a heart!

The two monsters fire energy beams that collide in midair. The attacks begin pushing each other back as both look on.

Dex: But it's not enough! His monster is too weak to do any real damage!

Axel: Hmph. He's got something up his sleeve. He won't just give up now.

Yusuke: Now to use this at least! Speed Spell- Synchro Baton! For all Synchro monsters on the field, Warp Speed gains 500 attack points [ATK 3500/DEF 2000 LV 8].

Neo: N-No!

Yusuke: And whenever Warp Speed Dragon destroys a monster, he deals half of that destroyed monster's attack points as damage. Finish this up! Warp Dimension Fire!

It spits out a powerful stream of fire that hits the monster, burning it up. Neo cries out [Neo LP = 800]. Dragon then releases an aura that hits Neo and he flies off his bike, crashing into the ground [Neo LP = 0].

Grayson: It's time.

Yusuke stops his bike and runs over.

Yusuke: Neo!

Neo: Don't worry. I'm fine.

Sigma: Ugh, speak for yourself.

Neo: Thank you.

Yusuke: Do you feel anything?

Neo: No….

Yusuke: ….Neo, a heart isn't something you feel. You just…know it's there. I know if you really look, one day you'll find it.

Neo: Yusuke, thanks.

Armen presses a button. Neo's eyes widen.

Neo: Get back!

He fires something from his eyes that knocks Yusuke back as Neo gasps and blows up.

Yusuke: Neo? Neo!? NEO!?

Alicia: My god!

Suddenly, police hold guns to them.

Officer: Don't move!

Officers arrive in the stadium as well.

Yusuke: What…but…

Officer: For the murder of Neo, you are under arrest!

Yusuke: But….I..!

Leon: No….I was a fool! This was his game all along!

Armen grins as sirens blare and Yusuke and the others look in shock


Narrator: What are we, truly? Are we only pawns on a chess board? Are we simply puppets in some grand show? As the Fate Crystal wielders plan their escape, Armen finally sets his grand plan into motion. Next time, on Yu-Gi-Oh! Riders of Fate, Episode 99: The Route to Escape.