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Seven Stars Episode 216

Card of the Day: Closed Forest! This Field Spell raises the attack points of a Beast monster for every monster in the graveyard

Episode 216: #13, Lady Demiurge!

In the room with the table, 11 of the 12 seats are occupied. Nim is pouring tea into a cup in front of each of thing

Chaos King: Thank you. You may leave now, Nim.

Num: Yes, king.

He bows and leaves the room.

Chaos King: Now then, does everyone have a cup? I'll talk while you enjoy this delicious new brew that Nim made

Willas, Ginro, Kuraz, and Granmarg begin drinking. Caius looks away as Thestalos and Raiza look nervous and push their cups away. Urma is stirring her tea with her finger while Zaborg and Mobius don't even touch their cups.

Chaos King: It's time to get right down to business. Demiurge!

A woman wearing golden armor walks into the room. She is clearly nervous and blushes when all the knights stop to stare

Chaos King: Today is a momentous day for you my dear. You are now our 12th seat.

Lady Demiurge: Y-Yes sir!

Sir Willas: My king, if I may ask, what about Delg?

Chaos King: That fool failed his assignment. He is no longer part of these Knights. Now then my dear, since you are now our 12th seat, I have your first assignment for you.

Lady Demiurge: Yes my king! I'll do it no matter what!

She bows, but still looks unsure


Om top of a hill on a sunny day, many D- Wheels and a car park. Tyson jumps out of the car and runs with Alice. Yuji, Enzan, Raythe, and Luna get off their bikes and walks on the hill as Takimaru runs with Alice and Tyson

Enzan: Man, we got a beautiful day for this! Great idea having a picnic Luna.

Luna: Yeah. Well, I thought we could all use a break. And on a great day like this, what better thing to do?

Raythe: It's too bright.

Enzan: Oh come on Raythe, don't be annoying. Can't you just have fun for once?

Raythe: It's just nature. All nature is, is trees and birds and grass. I'd rather be working on my D- Wheel or deck

Cain: Hey, I won't complain. I'm getting out of the house for a while.

Yuji: Come on Raythe, Luna planned this whole thing. Let's just smile and have fun for her sake

Raythe: Fine. But let's side under the shade so the sun isn't in my eyes

They all sit under a tree. Yuji spreads the blanket and everyone begins eating. Tyson is chowing down as Takimaru is only biting his.

Alice: You okay?

Takimaru: Being in a place like this…makes me think about that guy Willas. The jerk….next I meet him, he's getting pounded into the ground!

Alice: Come on, don't say stuff like that. After all, this is a day for fun.

Takimaru: Alice…fine

Luna: It's good to see everyone having fun

Yuji: Almost everyone…

Enzan: I should get the last fried shrimp!

Raythe: No, it's mine! Haven't you ever heard of giving your elders the extra food?

Enzan: You aren't my elder! You're the same age that I am!

Raythe: Yes I am! I'll have you know I'm one month and twenty-seven days older than you are.

Enzan: That doesn't mean anything!

Luna: Yeah, well they're just acting like themselves

Yuji: Luna…what's the real purpose behind this picnic?

Luna: Huh? What are you talking about Yuji? I just thought we could all use a break and wanted to make a day off of it

Yuji: I want to believe that. But all day, no, for the past month, you've been acting strange. Whenever all of us were in a group, you always had your hand in your pocket. Luna…are you hiding something?

Enzan: Hey hold on a second Yuji! Are you saying Luna has been up to something malicious!?

Yuji: I didn't mean for it to come out like that. But it seems to me…she is hiding something. And hiding something is the same as lying. Luna…what are you afraid to tell the rest of us?

Luna: …I'll be leaving the city in a few months

Alice: Huh? What do you mean?

Luna: A while back, I took the Ecologist Exam at school.

Tyson: The Ecologist Exam? Right, that's the test offered to students who excel in subjects like biology and want it to be their career.

Luna: Yes well….I passed.

Takimaru: You passed?! Does that mean…

Luna: Yes. In a few months, close to the final exams actually, a representative will be coming to the city to see how good and determined I am at this. And if I impress, then I will be given a job and get to travel the world, helping endangered animals and saving environments.

Enzan: Luna…you aren't punking us right? This is really great news! Hey, let's celebrate already!

Luna: But…I'm not sure I want to accept it.

Cain: What? But why not?

Luna: It's just…this city has been my home for a really long time. Every time something has happened, I've always had you guys by my side. But out there, I'm going to be all alone. And I want to try so hard to be brave! But…I just get so scared thinking about that. What should I do?

Raythe: We can't stay together forever. We worked together to defeat the World's End Dragon and Constellation Demons. But it can't stay this way forever. Sooner or later, we need to break apart.

Yuji: Luna, friends don't need to be together. When people meet, bonds form between them. As long as those bonds exist, your friends are always with you. It's like me and Void Dragon. Even though it is just a card, I have a bond with it. Even if the card isn't with me, its bond with me is

Luna: Yuji…

Cain hears a beeping and checks something on his laptop

Alice: What's wrong?

Cain: I don't know. I'm getting some kind of weird energy signature. This is strange…wait. I recognize this now…

Something begins firing at the ground, blowing away chunks of the ground. People begin screaming and running away.

Takimaru: Those Knights! They're here, aren't they?!

People wearing armor surround them, holding spears. Everyone huddles as a woman stumbles forward and falls down. She stands up and dusts the dirt off of her costume

Lady Demiurge: You guys didn't need to come along. I could have handled this assignment myself.

Solider: The King's orders m'lady

Enzan: Who the hell are you guys?!

Lady Demiurge: My name is….uh…Demiurge. Among the Knights, my rank is 13, I mean 12!

Yuji: She's 12? That Delg guy I fought…he was also 12, wasn't he? How can she also be #12?

Lady Demiurge: I don't mean to be rude to you…but you must fight me, Yuji Ryos.

Cain: Do you think we will just do as you want?

Lady Demiurge: Look, I was given orders. If you don't, I'll have no other choice than to harm the people here

Raythe: You! You would really get all these innocent people involved in our quarrel!?

Lady Demiurge: I would hate for it to come to that. But I want to see it. Your power. Please, show me

Yuji: Fine. If you…

Luna: No. I'm your opponent.

Lady Demiurge: You?

Luna: You…you ruined our day. It was supposed to be peaceful and without worry. For spoiling all of that…I won't forgive you

Solider: Lady?

Lady Demiurge: Well, you are one of the Seven Stars. I suppose you'll do

Tyson: Luna are you sure?

Luna: I am.

Yuji: It's fine.

He takes Luna's deck and shuffles it, handing it to her.

Yuji: Win then. And find out your resolve.

Luna: Yuji.

Lady Demiurge: Follow me. An arena has been prepared for our battle. The rest of you stay here.

Luna walks off. Everyone looks worried except for Yuji. In the middle of the field, Luna and Demiurge stand apart

Lady Demiurge: let's go.

Luna: Right.

Both: Duel!

Luna vs Lady Demiurge. [Luna LP = 4000][Lady Demiurge = 4000]. As they activate their Duel Disks, Demiurge stumbles for a minute and almost falls down

Luna: Hey…are you okay?

Lady Demiurge: Sorry….I'm not actually used to dueling that much to be honest. Besides, this deck was given to me, so I don't really understand how it works completely. Please go easy on me, okay?

Luna: Uh…sure. Is this woman…really one of those Knights?

Lady Demiurge: My turn, I draw. First I use the Spell card Foolish Burial. This lets me burry a card in my hand to the graveyard [Granmarg the Rock Monarch]. Now I use the Spell card Monster Reincarnation. I discard one card, take a card in my graveyard, and add it to my hand. Now I set a monster in face down defense mode, set a face down card, and end my turn

Luna: My turn. The card she added to her hand…was it the card she sent to her graveyard through Foolish Burial? If so, what kind of card did she add to her hand? Doesn't matter. My turn. I use the Field Spell, Closed Forest

Trees grow out of the ground

Luna: As long as this Field Spell is out, all of my Beast monsters gain 100 attack points for each monster in my graveyard. Now I summon Rescue Cat [ATK 300/DEF 100 LV 4]. By sending this card to the graveyard, I can Special Summon two Beast monsters from my deck. Appear, Playful Possum [ATK 800/DEF 600 LV 2] and Great Griffin [ATK 1500/DEF 0 LV 3]

Lady Demiurge: Two monsters?!

Luna: That's not all. Rescue Cat is now in the graveyard. That means both my monsters gain power boosts from Closed Forest [ATK 900/DEF 600 LV 2] and Great Griffin [ATK 1600/DEF 0 LV 3]. I tune the level 3 Great Griffin and the level 2 Playful Possum.

Griffin becomes 3 rings that Possum flies through, becoming 2 stars [3 + 2 = 5]

Luna: From the grass comes a warrior who fights for honor and justice with his twin blades. Synchro Summon, Samurai Mantis [ATK 2200/DEF 200 LV 5]. My monster is an Insect type monster, so he does not get a power boost from Closed Forest. However, his ability makes up for that. Whenever Samurai Mantis attacks a monster in defense mode, he inflicts Piercing damage. Get him, Blades of Honor and Valor!

The monster leaps into the air. It begins to dance gracefully as it moves towards the ground and slashes with both tentacles, cutting apart the monster. It lands and aims to cut Demiurge, but a barrier blocks it.

Lady Demiurge: Whenever Rockstone Warrior is involved in battle; all damage I take is reduced to 0.

Luna: I see. I should have kept my two monsters out then. I end my turn with a set card

Lady Demiurge: Alright, my turn. I activate Reinforcement of the Army. This lets me add a Warrior type monster from my deck to my hand. Now I set another monster and end my turn.

Luna: That's all? My turn. Because I already have a monster out, I can summon Armored Black Bear [ATK 1200/DEF 1500 LV 4]. In order to Special Summon him in this way, I need to decrease his level by 2. In addition, as he is a Beast and there are three monsters in my graveyard, he gains 300 attack points [ATK 1500/DEF 1500 LV 4]. Let's battle! Samurai Mantis attacks your set monster

The monster is cut apart. Demiurge is still protected from damage

Luna: What happened that time?

Lady Demiurge: When Evil Con Artist is in battle and I take damage, I negate all that damage and draw 1 card for each 1000 points of damage I would have taken. As his defense was zero and your monster's power was 2200, I draw 2 cards.

Luna: Nice combo. But I still have my secondary monster. I attack directly with Armored Black Bear.

It jumps at Lady Demiurge. She screams and backs away slightly as Bear lands in front of her and smacks her with its claw. She is sent flying backwards and tumbles on the grass [Lady Demiurge LP = 2500]. From where the others are, they hear her scream

Soldier: Lady!

Enzan: Ha! Seems like one of your Knights is getting beaten!

Raythe: Demiurge…Demiurge was her name right? That could mean…she has that card.

Alice: You okay Raythe?

Raythe: Just thinking.

Luna: Uh oh. Maybe that was a little too rough. Hey, are you okay?

Lady Demiurge: Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm…

She stands up and slips on her cape, falling on her butt. She groans and rubs her back as Luna's eye twitches.

Lady Demiurge: Sorry, sorry!

Luna: Hey…are you really #12 among the Knights?

Lady Demiurge: Well…in a matter of speaking

Luna: What do you mean in a matter of speaking?

Lady Demiurge: I'm…actually substitute #12. Really, the only reason I am part of the Knights is because my brother is a member of the Knights. I only become the #12 if something happens to the real #12.

Luna: So…you're basically a temp?

Lady Demiurge: Yeah. But look, please don't look down on me! I've got my assignment from the King and I can't let him down. Besides, I have my own reasons for fighting. So even though I don't like dueling and don't want to fight you…I'm going to fight anyway!

Luna: This girl…she has a lot of spirit even though she doesn't have a coherent reason for fighting. I…I'll keep up the fight. I release Armored Black Bear and Samurai Mantis to Advance Summon Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest [ATK 2600/DEF 1800 LV 7]. Now there are five monsters in my graveyard. This raises the power of Baboon by 500 [ATK 3100/DEF 1800 LV 7]

Lady Demiurge: Wow, that's a powerful monster….

Luna: Turn end.

Lady Demiurge: Alright, my turn. Um….I set a monster and a card to end my turn.

Luna: My turn. I summon Desert Jackaloupe [ATK 1700/DEF 1000 LV 4]. Here we go. He also gains a power boost from Closed Forest [ATK 2200/DEF 1000 LV 4]. Green Baboon attacks the set monster. Hammer Club Death!

It smashes the set monster. At that time, vines constrict around both monsters

Lady Demiurge: When The Unhappy Maiden is destroyed, the Battle Phase comes to an end.

Luna: I see. You keep dodging my attacks and adding cards to your hand. That means you must be planning something. Turn end.

Lady Demiurge: My turn. Trap card, Hope for a Way Out. I pay 1000 life points to use this card [Lady Demiurge = 1500]

Luna: Paying her own life points? That card must have some kind of really powerful effect.

Lady Demiurge: Now, for each 1000 life points that our life is separated by, I draw a card. The difference in our life points is 2500. So I draw 2 cards. I finally drew them! Get ready Luna Riki. Even though I am the lowest ranked Knight, I will show you the strongest Monarch card!

Luna: The strongest Monarch card?

Lady Demiurge: First I use Fiend's Sanctuary. This lets me summon a Metal Devil Token [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. I release Metal Devil Token and summon Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch [ATK 2400/DEF 1000 LV 6]. When this card is summoned, a card in my opponent's hand is destroyed. If it is a monster card, you take 200 points of damage for each of its levels. Go, Fire Storm

It shoots a fireball at Luna. Egotistical Ape is burned around and Luna is hit with the fire [Luna LP = 3000]

Luna: Not bad. But, Thestalos only has 2400 attack points. Green Baboon gains even more power from the monster you made me discard from Closed Forest [ATK 3200/DEF 1800 LV 7]

Lady Demiurge: In that case, I'll destroy Closed Forest. I use the Spell card Shadow Moon. This lets me activate a Field Spell in my deck. And the card I activate…is the Field Spell card Blue Moon!

The forest is destroyed [ATK 2600/DEF 1800 LV 7] as a blue moon appears in the sky, darkening it

Tyson: What's that?

Raythe: I knew it.

Luna: What is this?

Lady Demiurge: Now I can remove four different monsters with four different Attributes. I remove the FIRE Attribute Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch, the EARTH Attribute Granmarg the Rock Monarch, the LIGHT Attribute Kuraz the Light Monarch, and the DARK Attribute Caius the Shadow Monarch. Raging fire, shining light, creeping darkness, shaking earth, become the emissary of light. Appear, Demiurge Ema [ATK 3300/DEF 2800 LV 8]

The sky parts as Demiurge descends

Alice: What is that?!

Yuji: Demiurge Ema…

Lady Demiurge: I wish it didn't have to be this way. But for the honor of the Knights, I must take you out. Nothing personal

Demiurge sheds light as it floats down. Luna backs away in shock as it hovers.
