Card of the Day: Legendary Flamvell Idol
Episode 227: Flames of the Eternal Flamvells
In the room with the table, all the Knights are seated. Raiza is reading a dirty magazine and drooling. Willas is watering a small plant. Caius and Kuraz are playing chess as Kuraz moves one of his pieces. Thestalos is dozing off as Urma is getting more and more annoyed as she is looking in a mirror. Granmarg and Ginro are playing cards as Ginro throws down a royal straight flush. Chaos King and Mobius then walk in and sit down
Chaos King: My Knights, to day is the promised day. No longer will we wait in the shadows like a vulture flying over its dying prey. He Creator cards are now under our control. Which means the time has come for us to declare war with the Seven Stars.
Sir Raiza: So the promised day is finally here huh? Good. I was getting sick of being cooped up all the time
Sir Granmarg: The Seven Stars. Their power will supply us with everything we need
Chaos King: Now, who would like to go first? Who shall be the one who fires the first bullet in this war?
Sir Thestalos: That's great your highness. So, you get right on that.
He turns over to go back to sleep as the King laughs
Chaos King: Yes, about that Thestalos. I actually have an assignment for you
Sir Thestalos: Whoa, for me? Uh, look, no disrespect but….
Chaos King: I am afraid I will hear no objections.
Thestalos gulps
On the road in town, Yuji is driving down the road. Void Dragon trails behind him as he rides
Yuji: Nihility….he told me to seek Zero Synchro. But, how am I even supposed to reach it? He didn't give me any clues. Only….to tap into the power of the Seven- Star Knight. But if I can't do that….
He stops at the section of the highway where he battled Mobius. There are many shards is of ice on the road. He looks upset for a minute and keeps moving.
Yuji: That one time against Des Blood was the only time I could. But….what if I can't do it again?
In the library, Takimaru is snoring at the desk. Alice and Tyson put a pile of books down and he wakes up with a start.
Takimaru: Aw man….I'm not even done with my stack!
Alice: Takimaru, you have to pick up the pace! We need to read and fine out all we can about the Zero Synchro!
Takimaru: Man, you'd think this damn library would at least have one book on the topic! All this junk!
He knocks the stack of books over
Alice: You have to relax
Takimaru: I know! But….the only way we can defeat this evil is to learn Zero Synchro. And we have absolutely no leads to finding it! It's just….everyone is in danger if we fail, so we need to work hard!
Alice: Yes, that. And….they're going to kick us out of the library if you keep this up
Takimaru: Oh right….sorry….
At Sector Seven, Cain is watching as all the workers go through the screens and database
Cain: Anything in Norse mythology?
Man: No sir.
Cain: Damn. How about Greek?
Man: Nothing sir
Cain: Roman? Egyptian? African? Incan?!
Man 2: Sir, we're cross-referencing this….Zero Synchro….to all known myths throughout history. Nothing even comes close to it.
Cain: Of course. That would be just our luck, wouldn't it? Keep searching! I don't care if you have to dig to the ends of the earth! There must be some clue, some kind of hint! And we ARE going to find it!
Employees: Yes sir!
At the pier, Luna is sighing as she stares into the water. She begins to toss stones in. Someone throws a stone and she turns to see Raythe
Raythe: This was the place I went to be alone. Now I need to find a new one
Luna: Sorry. I'll leave
Raythe: No, don't do that. It was a joke
Luna: You making a joke? You really have changed.
Raythe: Yeah….I guess. I really owe that to you guys though. You really helped me out when I needed you. But now….there's nothing any of us can do.
Luna: You've been trying to train also?
Raythe: Of course. These Knights….I don't know what they want, but it can't be a good thing. That's why we need to master Zero Synchro
Luna: Yeah…you're right. But…if we can't then…
Raythe: One thing I've learned throughout my experiences is that you think negative things, you will always suffer. Only when you think of the positive do things become better. That's why no matter what, no matter how bleak things seem, we can't give up.
Luna: It really seems unlike you to say those kinds of things. You always used to be such a jerk
Raythe: Hmph. What are you talking about? I'm a really nice guy.
At the beach, Enzan is watching a campfire while huddled in a fetal position. He watches the flames as he remembers his encounter while Shaman and stifles a sob. Effigy sits down to him, stretching
Enzan: What?
Effigy: I'm sitting down. What, is that against the law now?
Enzan: I want to be alone. That's why I came here.
Effigy: Wallowing in self pity without anything to eat? Man, you sure aren't a good host
Enzan: Just say what you wanna say and go away
Effigy: Enzan….look, don't feel bad. Most people don't learn to control the Hot Heart until they are 18. You aren't old enough yet. Just give it a year and I'm sure that you…
Enzan: I can't wait a year! The Knights could attack us at any minute! I can't just sit on the sidelines and let Yuji and the others fight! I need to be right there on the battlefield next to them! But if I can't learn how to master the Hot Heart…how can I stand next to them?
Effigy: Jeez….look, if you're going to whine about it, maybe I can help you a little.
Enzan: Huh?
Effigy: Don't say huh. You know what I mean. I'll teach you how to use the Hot Heart.
Enzan: You….will?!
Effigy: Yeah, yeah….might as well.
Enzan: What about Shaman?
Effigy: Pfft. Shaman isn't the boss of me. I do what I want, when I want. And I want to help you Enzan. You kinda me of myself.
Enzan grins a little, but turns back into the fire. Yuji is at Sector Seven thinking. Suddenly, the sky grows dark
Yuji: Huh?
Alice: What's with the sky? It was sunny just a minute ago.
Fireballs begin to shoot out of the clouds, hitting the ground. People begin to scream in the street and run for cover.
Yuji: What's happening?
Nihility: It's begun!
Thestalos is standing on a rooftop, holding a card
Sir Thestalos: Ha ha ha! Dance fire, dance! Dance and glimmer like moonlight in the crystal clear water.
Luna: Raining fire….this is like something out a movie!
Raythe looks at his deck and a card glows. He looks at a building.
Raythe: The card….it's leading us there.
Luna: Let's hurry!
The two run off. At the top of the building, Thestalos points his sword in all directions and keeps throwing fireballs all around. He begins to laugh
Sir Thestalos: This is like playing a video game!
Yuji arrives at the foot of the building and sees him. Everyone else arrives as Thestalos looks down
Sir Thestalos: Well, well, well. Like moths to the bug swatter.
Cain: You! Are you one of the Knights?!
Sir Thestalos: Indeed. My name is Sir Thestalos! I am the Fire Champion, rank #11 among the Knights of the Elemental
Tyson: 11? Isn't that kinda low?
Sir Thestalos: I don't know shorty, aren't you kind of low?
Yuji: Enough! Why have you come here?! Why are you destroying our city!?
Sir Thestalos: Oh you know. To grab a burger, see a movie; satisfy my desire to burn things.
Yuji: Leave our city! If you won't, I'll make you leave!
Sir Thestalos: Aw yes, that was something I was told to do! I need to fight you guys. So, who wants to go at it?
Raythe: Hmph. You asked for it.
Yuji: No guys. You need to let me fight him
Cain: Yuji, what are you saying?
Yuji: I'm the only who one who has really fought against a Knight
Takimaru: Hey, that's not right! I've fought against one of them too!
Yuji: Everyone, please just let me go. I get the feeling that if I fight him….I'll get the answer I need.
Luna: Yuji….if it's what you want….I won't stop you. Just please…be careful
Yuji: I will
Sir Thestalos: Oo, the guy who fought Mobius eh? This might actually be a blast!
He leaps off the building. He swings the sword around and fire spreads around him. He impacts the ground and rides out on a D- Wheel. Everyone looks in shock as he races off. Yuji snarls and runs to his D- Wheel, taking off after Thestalos.
Cain: I'll see if I can get the duel on my computer.
Sir Thestalos: Alright then, bring it! Speed World 2, set on!
Computer: Duel mode. Auto-pilot, standby
Both: Duel! [Sir Thestalos LP = 4000][Yuji LP = 4000].
Sir Thestalos: Here we go. My turn. I summon Flamvell Poun in defense mode [ATK 200/DEF 200 LV 1]. I set a card and end my turn
Yuji: Here we go, my turn! [SPC: Yuji = 1 Sir Thestalos = 1] I summon Spell-Break Warrior [ATK 1700/DEF 0 LV 4]. This combo didn't work on Mobius. But Mobius was 2. This guy is only 11. How strong can he really be? Spell-Break Warrior attacks.
It rushes forward and destroys Flamvell Poun.
Sir Thestalos: Since Flamvell Poun was destroyed; I can add a Flamvell monster from my deck to my hand
Yuji: Spell-Break Warrior's monster effect! When he attacks a monster, he also destroys a Spell or Trap card out. I destroy that set card.
Sir Thestalos: Before you get a chance, Trap card. Draft. This lets me Special Summon one monster from my hand if it was added to my through a card effect. I Special Summon Flamvell Archer [ATK 1000/DEF 200 LV 3]
Yuji: Nice Relief Escape. But it won't stop me! I set two cards and end my turn.
Sir Thestalos: My turn [SPC: Sir Thestalos = 2 Yuji = 2]. First I'll place two cards face down. I summon Neo Flamvell Garuda [ATK 1200/DEF 1800 LV 3]. Now I change Flamvell Archer into defense mode and end my turn [ATK 1000/DEF 200 LV 3].
Yuji: Here we go. My turn. I summon Synchro Top [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1].. When there are two or more monsters on my field, I can also Special Summon Hive Wasp to the field [ATK 1300/DEF 500 LV 3]. When Synchro Top is used as a Tuner monster, his name counts as any other Tuner monster of my choosing. I tune the level 1 Synchro Top, level 3 Hive Wasp, and level 4 Spell-Break Warrior
Top becomes 1 ring that Warrior and Wasp fly through, becoming 7 stars [1 + 3 + 4 = 8]
Yuji: Synchro Summon! Smash, Load Warrior [ATK 2900/DEF 1000 LV 8].
Sir Thestalos: That is quite a monster. But if you ask me…you should have payed attention! Trap card, Synchro Hole. When my opponent summons a Synchro monster, I can destroy it and remove it from play. And not only that, I can Synchro Summon using the two monsters I have on my field.
Warrior is swallowed up as Archer becomes 3 rings that Garuda flies through, becoming 3 stars [3 + 3 = 6]
Sir Thestalos: Dance lovely flames and burn the world. Synchro Summon! Flamvell Uruquizas [ATK 2100/DEF 1400 LV 4]
Yuji: No way….my Synchro monster….but how?
Sir Thestalos: Let me guess, since you could go head to head with #2 means I'm easy pickings. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but the rankings aren't just skill. In other words, just because I'm #11 doesn't mean I'm a pushover!
Yuji: Damn! That ranking thing made me take him too lightly. I can't afford to make another mistake like that. I set a card and end my turn
Sir Thestalos: Here we go. My turn [SPC: Sir Thestalos = 3 Yuji = 3]. As you have 3 or less monsters in your graveyard, I Special Summon Neo Flamvell Origin [ATK 500/DEF 200 LV 2]. Next I summon Neo Flamvell Sabre [ATK 1500/DEF 200 LV 4]. Since there are four or less cards in your graveyard, Sabre gains 600 attack points [ATK 2100/DEF 200 LV 4]. Let's go at it! Flamvell Uruquizas, attack his directly!
Yuji: Trap card, Radiant Mirror Force. When my opponent has three or more monsters in attack mode, I can destroy all my opponent's monsters in attack mode
Sir Thestalos: Too slow! Trap card, Urgent Tuning. During the Battle Phase, I am allowed to Synchro Summon. I tune the level 2 Neo Flamvell Origin and level 3 Neo Flamvell Sabre
Origin becomes 3 rings that Sabre flies through, becoming 4 stars [2 + 4 = 6]
Sir Thestalos: From fire and smoke, the great deity rises up to engulf the world in fire. Synchro Summon! Legendary Flamvell Idol [ATK 2500/DEF 200 LV 6].
Yuji: Oh no! Now the number of monsters on the field are below 3!
Sir Thestalos: That's right! Radiant Mirror Force only works if I have three monsters! I only have two right now! In other words, this is it! Uruquizas, get him!
Yuji: Trap card, Vanishing Agony. This lets me negate damage I take
The attack vanishes.
Sir Thestalos: Hmph. Well, you won't dodge my next attack. Get him Legendary Flamvell Idol.
Yuji: Trap card, Lose and Gain. This lets me draw 1 card from my deck by sending one card from my deck to the graveyard. Now I remove from play the monster I sent to the graveyard, Gear Necromancer, to negate all damage I take from a battle
The attack is blocked.
Sir Thestalos: Ah man. Well, guess I should have expected that. But you won't avoid damage. I use the effect of Legendary Flamvell Idol. I can remove n opponent's graveyard monster and deal its level x 200 as damage. I remove from play Spell-Break Warrior.
Deity shoots fire at Yuji. He is hit and screams in pain [Yuji LP = 3200]
Yuji: Real damage….
Sir Thestalos: Be careful, or you'll really get hurt.. I set a card. Turn end
Yuji: That was close. I need to be more careful. I draw [SPC: Sir Thestalos = 5 Yuji = 5]. I summon Limestone Warrior [ATK 1600/DEF 300 LV 4]. When this card is summoned, I can destroy one of my opponent's set cards. I destroy that set card on your field.
Limestone chops it in half.
Yuji: Now that Limestone Warrior has succeeded, I can revive one monster from my graveyard. I bring back Synchro Top [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. I tune the level 1 Synchro Top and level 4 Limestone Warrior
Top becomes 1 ring that Warrior flies through, becoming 4 stars [1 + 4 = 5]
Yuji: Synchro Summon! Trap Sniper [ATK 2100/DEF 1200 LV 5]. Now that I Normal Summoned a monster, I can also summon Missile Synchron [ATK 0/DEF 0 LV 1]. I tune the level 1 Missile Synchron and level 5 Trap Sniper
Missile becomes 1 ring that Sniper flies through, becoming 5 stars that Sniper flies through, becoming 5 stars [1 + 5 = 6]
Yuji: Synchro Summon! Missile Warrior [ATK 2500/DEF 1000 LV 6].
Sir Thestalos: Consecutive Synchro Summon? This guy is something.
Yuji: I attack Flamvell Uruquizas! Missile Fist!
It jets forward and punches the monster, destroying it. Thestalos hisses [Sir Thestalos = 3600]
Sir Thestalos: That didn't hurt at all.
Yuji: You see? I'm not someone you can just defeat so easily. I set a card and end my turn
Sir Thestalos: You think you're something huh? I don't really like the arrogant. Looks like I need to show you a thing or two. I draw [SPC: Sir Thestalos = 6Yuji = 6]. I use the effect of Legendary Flamvell Idol. The monster I'll remove from play is your Trap Sniper
It hits Yuji with fire again [Yuji LP = 2200]
Yuji: Trap card, Pain Mirror. This deals the damage I just took to you.
Fire shoots at Thestalos [Sir Thestalos LP = 2600].
Sir Thestalos: Meh heh. Guess the kiddy gloves are off. I use Speed Spell- Shift Down. I pay 6 Speed Counters [SPC: Sir Thestalos = 0 Yuji = 6] and draw 2 cards. Now I send Flamvell Baby to the graveyard and raise the attack points of Legendary Flamvell Idol by 400 [ATK 2900/DEF 200 LV 6]. Feel my power! I attack! Flamvell Meteor Storm!
Yuji: When Missile Warrior is in battle, he can negate his own destruction and destroy the monster he battles.
Sir Thestalos: Sorry, that won't work! I send Effect Veiler to the graveyard. Now my opponent's Effect monster loses all effects.
Yuji: What?!
Fire shoots through Missile and destroys it [Yuji LP = 1800]. Fire engulfs him and he screams in pain
Sir Thestalos: Ha ha ha! I've studied you Yuji! I saw you fight Mobius! And now my deck is perfectly catered to counter anything you play. Face it, you lose!
Nihility watches the duel.
Nihility: Yuji….the only way you can win…is to se Zero Synchro
The flames fade as Yuji gasps in pain
Raythe: Damn it! How is he doing so badly?!
Luna: Yuji….
Yuji turns in anger as Thestalos keeps laughing
Sir Thestalos: You can't win! My flames will engulf you and burn you to ash
Yuji: This duel, I can't lose! No matter what! Next time, Episode 228: Be Born From Zero, Empty Void Dragon! This power....what is it?