I am just going to say this once. This is my opinion! If you disagree with me, do not leave any rude comments to try to change my mind.
Like the title says, I believe the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx dub is starting to become unwatchable. For one thing, I am getting really sick of the dubbers changing the names of cards. It was okay at first, but now they are taking it too far. In a recent episode, they changed the card Sacred Scriptures of Wickedness to Wicked CANON! What is up with that! They could not even make it Wicked Book, or Wicked Scripture?
Next up, I am getting really annoyed about how they changed the characters personality. For one thing, they made Tyranno Hassleberry sound like some kind of Southern Drill Sargent. And on another note, why is his last name Hassleberry? That was just the first however. They changed the Light Brigade into a bunch of punks and rappers. This is really annoying. And they made one guys name T-Bone! And he rapped! And he was white! Then, what really tipped that off, was at the start of the third season. They made Johan a Southern freak, and called him JESSE! And they changed Amon Garam to Adrain Gecko. What do clouds have to do with geckoes anyway? The character that really set me off was Proffessor Satou, or should I call him Proffessor Stein? Seriously, where did they get Stein out of Satou? And they completely overwrote his personality and made him a boring non-threating nerd.
On my last topic, I go to the difference in darkness between the two versians. The dub is way too light compared to the original, which was surprisingly dark. The dub includes stupid dialogue, lame jokes, and the main character in the dub, Jaden Yuki takes things too lightly. Even in the third season they try to make it less dark, and season 3 is supposed to be the darkist season of them all. To the dubbers of the show, if you try to lighten the mood during season 3 to an extent it is bad, then sell the show and let someone else dub it. I am almost ready to stop watching because season 3 is no longer entertaining.
Now, these are my OPONIONS! You do not have to agree with them. Just do not leave inappropriate comments and spam. Thanks for listening.