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systemplayer Blog

Let's get ready...

ALL RIGHT HERE WE GO. As you might have I am now lvl 6 so I'm gonna try to manage a union hooray! any my friend stayed the night and we played his final fantasy 12. then he got pissed off when i put hot sauce on his chicken but baked so he couldn't tell it was on. He's very gullible so he thought it came like that ha ha he's so fun to mess with. anyway then he wanted to do a couple dares so I told him to run naked outside his girlfriends' house. HE DID IT.... of course .. i had to pay him $5 but it was worth it!!!! Done for now stay tuned. (=_=) [alien]

Bring in The New Year

Well it's a new year which means ... new years' resolutions. If ya wanna post yours here fine with me. My new years' resolutions are to not so god damn much.. oops.. kinda broke that oh well and to be more social. I hope everyone had a great new year.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well It's Christmas Eve folks and boy is it a good one where I live whoo! Where to start ok so today my family wants to do a bit of last minute shopping so that should be good and the family dinner too. I recently bought myself a REALLY SWEET cd I know this is about games but I have to mention it =). Ok well they're called Trans-Siberian Orchestra maybe you heard of em but their cd is awsome man it's all these Christmas songs, but like songs you wouldn't to expect to have a kind or rock and roll-ish beat to em'. Any it's a sweet cd I encourage anyone who reads this to buy it. Back to Christmas ok well nothing else to say but :

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

Level Up!

hoo rah! I reached Lvl 5 soon I'll be going to Lvl 6 I hoping by mid January to reach lvl 6 also in systemplayers' news he is playing Resident Evil 0 and pondering the question on the best way to kill a spawn of the living dead. Also the calendar now says: 4 days till Christmas, 11 days till New Years Eve. That's not too far away folks better get in that last minute shopping! I got my parents a new coffeemaker and new robes for Christmas I kind of spoil them ha. It's worth it when I usually get all this good stuff.  All for now my readers. Stay tuned

Company fall in..

I'm kind of excited the infinite platform universe union is up and running come and join it whoever is an old gaming elder to the fresh gaming starters. It is very good for just starting too. I got my tree and decor. up yesterday for Christmas. Right at this moment I'm playing Super Smash Bro. Melee alot of you should play it. So long for now.

hoo rah, company halt..

I'm kind of excited the infinite platform universe union is up and running come and join it whoever is an old gaming elder to the fresh gaming starters. It is very good for just starting too. I got my tree and decor. up yesterday for Christmas. Right at this moment I'm playing Super Smash Bro. Melee alot of you should play it. So long for now.

Here's some fun for ya.

The new Halloween special South Park episode was funny. Well back to my blog I recently joined the xbox and 360 union. Also I found an enjoyable site for anyone that want's to see it FULLY LIVE WEBCAM chats even without a cam you can chat try it once and... drumroll please... It's FREE!!! =) there ya go ; )

The Grand Opening

Hey this is my first post on the blog so I don't really know how to start he..he... Any who the craziest thing happened last week I was playing my older guitar (you know the cheap ones ) just to warm up my hands from not playing awhile. Well when I did so my guitar just went all crazy and strings broke, so what do I do.... You guessed it! I played with my 360 and played deadrising for about an hour. Zombies fun =)


There should be a really cool link to a zombies test on here somewhere.