Wow shame shame shame on the uneducated bible bashers who think that just because Kevin wrote this piece and he has an open mind about things, (like most people nowadays do) he is OBVIOUSLY gay I don't know if he is or not but who cares anyway?! On the subject of ME3's quality: I haven't played it yet but I'm trying to keep an open mind (repeated) about it. It really really is a shame that EA's corporate greed is shining through Bioware's work. I am sure they could have kept the RPG mode truly RPG-y and the game would still have had the same commercial success. At the end of the day though it really is a shame that in recent years there has been so much greed in the video games industry. You could spend years talking about it but it won't change. Also, whilst we're here talking about BioWare. Does anyone know/understand how Microsoft didn't buy them before EA did? It could have been an amazing decision to have BioWare as a first party developer on what is supposed to be "the hardcore gamer's console" (emphasis on supposed to be). Lastly but not least. Homosexuality exists. Fact. In the general world it isn't wrong and it isn't a sin. It just is. It's a different question if on a personal level it is a sin to you because of eg. your religious views. So what? Sorry, who's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to make your Shepard gay again? Live and let live. Get with the times. Haters will hate.
Anyone who thinks the graphics suck should know that the game is beta version, in fact this is only the multiplayer and the singleplayer will surely look much better. Also anyone who played the beta knows that these images don't do the justice. Valhalla is absolutely gorgeous!!! My brother who is not into video games came into the room looked at it and said "OMG that level is beautiful." I reckon the same. On High Ground the interiors look fantastic This game, even in this beta-multi version, looks next-gen!!! ( When are we going to start calling it current gen?). Can't wait to play the full version!
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