Halo ruined the First Person Shooter Genre.
Yep.. I said it.
What ever happened to Skill based FPS Gaming? The Quake 3 Arena, Soldier of Fortune/2, Counter Strike, ETC. The graphics were "ok" but the focus was purely on the fact this is was a game where skill first and foremost will make you win.
No a days all you see is "pretty" Hell look at all the releases since. We got Farcry, Doom 3, Quake 4, F.E.A.R, Bioshock ETC. Where is in ALL these games, Pretty and environment was there top priority, skill at FPS's being a far number down the list.
Hell even look at Rainbow Six: Vegas...
Those who follow the R6: Series KNOW what to expect, and KNOW what those games are like....
R6:Vegas ruined the series. It went for pretty. The days where it mattered if you got shot are gone, heck you know have a shield and health timer. Hide behind a wall and let it replenish, but hey forget the skill, check out the bloom effect!!...
Even the new release Bioshock. As good as reviews are most say it, hell Gamespot says it at the end.. ""If your looking for a skill based FPS this isn't it, if your looking for a pretty, and good story...""
Its so sad to really like GOOD FPS's, and to not see one added to the genre in many years, just crap.
Its kind of like music, I used to like rap before it was what it is today. It's almost embarrassing to say I like FPS's anymore, because of talent less games like Bioshock and arcade type halo series.
Yes it is "what sells" but because more and more kids get into gaming that doesn't mean change a genre to suit them, a few games yes, but do not change the standard.
t3ch82 Blog
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