Thats strange. I found Company of Heroes to be terribly boring after playing through the campaign once and the online was a bore fest. Likewise I am enjoying Spore throughly right now.4th3ist
WAR is more skill-based? Bullsh&t. The two have similar combat systems.
WAR has more content? Don't make me laugh. An MMORPG has more content at launch than a 4-yo MMORPG with many content updates? It's possible, but dream on, buddy.
I'm not dissing WAR, I'm sick of WoW myself and going to try WAR. But at least I know how to be objective, unlike you fanboys.
You are right, the fun factor is subjective, however being ive been in beta for over 2 months and you have yet to play the game, how is it you feel you know more then i do about the content?
World of Warcraft is the best MMO you can buyto be a tone of WoW haters out there but its only because they either hate MMOs or they got sick of WoW and not just rant on it..
there are so many MMOs these days that it is tough to see which are worth/not worth playing but WoW is definitely fun and intriguing and I highly recommend it!
Wow is not the best game by far, and typical fanboy didnt even read the OP, the guy said "he played wow but got bored of it" so why even post wow comments?
Warhammer is a great game, ive played since beta 2. If you enjoy mmos and found WoW extremely lacking in fun/content /skill then you will love WAR. there are many trails you can play in the mean time as well =)
^ ya the beta is everyone. I have a member in my guild who is AUS and a member who is in the UK. we were all playing preview weekend.
Guys the beta servers unless you are a beta elder are not up now. If you were in beta 1, beta 2 you can still log in and play, if you were in beta 3 or beta 3.3 you CAN NOT log in atm, its down.
I'll be buying it and also running a fan mapping site for it however..
I'm honestly not impressed by the game at all, Valve looks like they are using a dated engine and we know they are using the worst/dated editor out there *Hammer*, i really wish they would upgrade their stuff!!
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