I'm sure I am the 10,000,000th person to write on this but what the hell.
Personally I am sick of all this fanboy crap.
If I were to place myself in any camp I suppose it would be the 360 as I already have one and I love it but come on, that in no means defines me as a 360 fanboy. It does not mean that I hate Sony/Nintendo. I actually got reported the other day for "Unfriendly behavior" by what I can only assume was a fan boy when I pointed out, simply, that sony's game division earning had fallen over the past several years. Frankly, I don't care if my "rank" got reduced (which from what I can tell it is actually higher than it was before) but the fact that someone took what I had to say to such a degree as to report me for insults is just silly. So to all the fanboys out there please continue to report me but realize that it's just sad you have to take things that far with someone who is pretty much neutral in all this crap.
Buy what you want, play what you want. (My new mantra)