tabian00 / Member

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tabian00 Blog

Gamespot Job 3

Well it was nice while it lasted. Or at least that's what I wanted to say but this thing isn't working out at all. First off it's a store devoted to the buying/selling and trading of new and used video games. You as an employee are held to an entirely different set of criteria. I'm sure that when you go into a GS/EB they always try to sell you those little red EDGE cards and try to get you to reserve a new title coming up in the next year. THOSE are the sets of criteria that you as an employee are held to. If you don't get "company standards" of percentages of your transactions with reservations and cards then you willhave decreased hours and lower priority when on the schedule. Sp the store that sells video gamesdoesn't hold any gaming criteria to it's employees. You could be the nicest person and really know what you're talking about whether it's about how Xbox Live works or storylines to really old games (I work with a few of these guys), but if you don't get people to reserve games and sign up for EDGE cards then you mean nothing to the company. No thanks.

Gamestop Job 2

Well there you have it. I'm officially a Gamestop EMPLOYEE! There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who love GS/EB and those who despise it for all their existence. Either way it doesn't matter, I'm still getting paid to hang around and talk about video games all day long!!!!! :D :D

Gamestop job

Today's the day people. I am going in for my interview for Gamestop. One step closer to my dream of owning the franchise then ruling the world, muah hahahah!!!

New to the whole thing

Well I've been a basic member for about 4 years now and this is the first time i've used this place...if anyone browsing me wants to just chat (about something video game, not "oh how's the weather in Vermont" then i'm fine, no opinionated things, just fun witty banter) have a ball.