Wii Graphics
by tai_chi_rabbit on Comments
I know that people dont think the Wii's graphics are up to snuff. They could be better, yes, but if I hear one more person even mention the phrase,"I wont get a wii because it's graphics suck." Im going to explode. O.K, when saw the wii at E3 this year, yes, it isn't as good as the 360 or PS3. But if we are going to nit pick about systems, then the 360 is stupid because it's name means that it can face every direction. Where is the fun in that? So I can hang it from a wire. I can do that with a touster, but you don't see me spending half-a-grand for it. And what is an X Box? That name has no back ground. And Sony putting numbers after their consoles name just proves that they can count, but they probably needed help with that. And why in all of Gods creation would I spend $600 on a pice of plastic that plays over priced dvd's? And since history is doomed to repeat itself, Nintindo will win with imagination and inovention, were as Sony will suffer because of imitaion and lack of anything fun. All of Nintindos systems have been cheap and fun, and The only system other than wii I will buy is any system Nintindo comes out with after this, or a 360. Sony can burn in hell. Or where ever those a Aethiestic Sons of **** decide to burn.