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taliancich Blog

June 17, 2005

Need I say more...

I FINALLY finished Robin Hood with more than 16 hours of gameplay, although it certainly felt like more. Look for my review shortly. The end game stats are in the screenshot above.

BTW, I bought a Radeon x850 xt pe. Much gaming fun ahead. Should be getting it on Tuesday. Will let you know it fares against the 9700 Pro. Hee, hee.

June 13, 2005

Ok, haven't been here for a few days, but here's where I am. I promised I'd be loading up RCT 3 again and I have. I spent most of the weekend playing in the sandbox with my park, and it's as fun this time as it was when I first started playing it. I have moved on from my Moon Base Alpha section and am working hard on the Western section. I am learning quite a bit about what makes a good park and am applying what I learn to my newer sections. All in all its a lot of fun and I can't wait for the expansion pack.

I am 50% through Robin Hood and have spent about 15 hours on the game. It is becoming longer than I thought, but I'll keep trudging on.

Have made no further progress in Giants, but will probably play a few levels tonight.

June 8th, 2005

I believe that I will be adding Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 to my now playing list. I have done a lot of work in the game already, and the expansion will be coming out at the end of June. As soon as I finish the main missions in GTA 3, I will be getting back into my park. Can't wait!

June 7, 2005

Played a few more levels of GTA 3 before pooping out. I finished the D-Ice levels on Shoreside Vale and attempted to do the S.A.M. level for Asuka but crashed and burned in the middle of the bay. Will try again on Wednesday night. Two more missions left and the mission part of the game is over. Then I can add another game to my Now Playing list.

June 6, 2005

This was D-Day alright, but I might as well been on the German side I got my butt kicked that bad. Not in a game, either, but in RL. I took the LSAT and felt so badly about how I did I cancelled my score. Needless to say, I was bummed. So I decided a little gaming might cheer me up. Right now I am in the middle of 3 games: Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, and Grand Theft Auto III. Here's what I got done tonight:

First I played a bit RH, which is a Commandos-style squad based real time strategy game. Although the game is 2D, the level of artistic detail of its set-pieces is what really sets this game apart. I can tell a lot of work went into the creation of each level, and although the levels are recycled throughout the game, much is done to vary the context of each level. I am 33% into the game with over 5 hours of game play already (there's a handy progress meter on the main menu), so its safe to say this game is over 15 hours long. In this session I completed a few raids in Sherwood Forest allowing me to get the Little John character, and infiltrated a castle to warn a nobleman of the Prince's treachery. All in all, I am making good progress and the game's holding my interest thus far.

Second I played a level in GTA 3, of which if you haven't heard, where have you been. I have had this game for a number of years and never got too far. Probably because Vice City came out soon after and I went straight to that game without finishing GTA 3. But now I am determined to finish every part of this game, including all of the additional game play elements. But I am nearing the very end of the regular missions and am stuck on a level called Uzi Money, the first mission for D-Ice on Shoreside Vale. In this mission you have to use an Uzi to kill 20 gang members by drive-by in 2:30 min. However one of three things would happen: my car would blow up before I could get out, time would run out before I could find enough gang members, or my car would blow up with my standing right next to it. After previously spending hours on this level to no avail, I decided tonight to do something I never do: cheat. I looked at the cheat codes and found one for the Rhino tank, which doesn't blow up easily, went down the street, capped 20 gang members, and voila, mission completed. And I didn't feel too guilty about cheating either.

I didn't have time to play Giants because I wanted to watch some Alias on DVD.