tanikwish's forum posts
Full song MP3 - http://www.pandemicstudios.com/mercenaries/audio/Oh_No_Full_Length.mp3
Video with full song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCvIw7DMHXc
Sometimes I think he slows me down, other times, I think he's helping a lot. I upped three levels last night in about two hours. Better, eh? :)
Hola -- I'm a noob. Dedicating my gamespotĀ blogĀ to it since I'm new to the whole MMORPG thing. I got berated on a shared board with gamefaqs for mentioning any other details. And yes - it took me 3 hours to level up to 5 on my undead warrior, but I took my time and only completed about a half dozen quests.
Anyways, come subscribe if you like laughing at noobs. :)
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