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tankbusta Blog

Go Square Enix !!!!!

ok most of you can laugh at me for writing this is was really bored :)

ok i just got my hands on a copy of final fantasy 7 yes i just got it
i began playing FFX then i got hooked to the series so then i heard that it ( FFVII) was one of the all time greats so i played it and i have come up with this conclusion

that when i first played the game i hated the graphics the ppl look like they all came from lego land !!! and its bad but then you think you know when you play games today from where to where companies like square enix has come from thos lego ppl to the amazingly real looking people in FFVII advent children !!!
i dont know how many of you feel the same way but i do !!

also i was soo suprized at the FMV squences they were soo ahead of their time even today i think square has the best FMV's

bottom line i think i wanna go work for square....lol that is soo neva hapining who knows ???, any of you guys wanna go into a gaming career ??? if so what do ya want to be ???
i am soo up for game design or programming....nah *wake's up*

The World Cup 2006 Germanys

well the world cup has started so i am now mostly watching all the mathes since i am a gr8t fan of foot ball the teams i support are

1:BRAZIL             ( RONALDHINO )
2:ENGLAND        ( ROONEY )

comment back and tell me who you guys support and which players are your favourite amougnst the team

Got a Second PS2 !!!

yay i got a second ps2 omg i am soo exited i have been waiting to try out this lan thing for sooo long i read all about it on the net and was waiting for a good chance to get it

good for me one of my buds got a new slim and is giving me his old one for about say 40$ and i am soo happy with it since i was only mainly buying it for the lan and he claims its about 6 years old so..............................

getting the link cable tomorow so will try it out and get some good games two, finally the old small tv will have come in handy for when freinds are over and want to go head on head on their own tv sad i will only be able to have two ps2's but its still gonna be fun !!! YAY !!!!!

50% of gamers on Hold For Now ?

I was watching this game thingy or TV show and noticed alot of thes shows and even a bit of it is on gamespot about half of the worlds gamers are waiting for the ps3 to come out

The sale for xbox was good but nothing compared to the launch of the PS2 before there was any othere console besides nintendo's one.

I am one of them i really want to see whats the ps3 goning to look like its performance and the games, specially looking forward to paying Final Fantasy on the PS3.

Recenttly i was over at my neighbours place [ he has bought a XBOX 360 ] adn he was playing quake 4, to be quite honest it stunk the game gets all choppy and starts slowing down in part of the level, i dont think a next-gen console should do that but any way i am just waiting it out for the ps3

Finally I Get TO Create My Own Union !!!!

yay after such a long time being registerd on gamespot do i actually get to do something fun

altough i do regret leaving out on gamespot in the middle it dosent matter to me now since i am going to try my best to make up for all that lost time on the forums.

Gamespot has improved sicnifacttly i personally like the new look and do like the new personal thingy or wateever its called, Anyway just as a sum up of my blog i want you all who read this to join any union i make, thanks a bunch

Wating it out for my new P4

Can't wait my birthday is only a few weeks away i have been doing good at school so i do think my parents will consider my request for them to buy my a new processor.

I do have a pentium 4 but at the moment its only a 2.4ghz one and with todays games greaphics i do think i am going to be needing a better one soon !!

So yes my dads buying my a 3.4 extreem edition if i do well till my b-day so i should be fine till then, and just for the record i bought a 6600GT [NVIDIA] today with my life long savings works nice i would recomend it to anybody who is looking for a good card that is not toooo expensive !!!!

Anime's Impact On Games Today

I remeber about a few years back i would like get back from school and wait for rurouni kenshin dont know if any of you guys would watch that anime but i really like it.

I was originally disapointed that the anime [ which was soooo sucessfull ] did not have any sort of game to its name, even though this anime was showing at the time of the PS1's best days,

Now days anime games are getting popular I still am a big fan of final fantasy x [nice game] the japanesse are getting ever better game by game with tittles like DBZ and the Final Fantasy series they are so showing gamers all over that they too can make good games with great graphics. :)