Well guys sorry for commenting on your blogs so late, but I had some guests for Christmas and really forgot about my PC for the most part :lol: It was awesome, they were from out of town, and I showed them around here, went to some clubs with them, bla bla none of ur business :P :lol: j/k of course :D I got a few presents this year, mostly games (just look on the now playing section of my profile here :lol: )
Oh, and about that oldy but goldy: It's POSTAL 2 :D I think it's a pretty good PC game, works even on a pentium 3 I think, and you should definitely try it out if you like sick humor :lol: Here are some clips I made from this game *click me*
Also on my XFire profile where I posted the vids you can find some screenshots from the game and others :D, so now most of you see what XFire is about :P
Anyway, I'm off now, Happy New Year, may it be the best up till now and may all ur wishes come true :D