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Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Tom Clancy's HAWX

Mirror's Edge

Grand Theft Auto IV

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Left 4 Dead

Soldier of Fortune: Payback

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

SAS: Secure Tomorrow

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Fun and immersive-do you need more?
I had doubts with this game,mainly because i did not like the first one,didn't even play it much. After installing it,I realised that sadly because of my Nvidia GeForce 8500GT I could only run the game smoothly on min... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Dead Space (2008)
So close to perfection
Look,i admit im not a game-geek, but I play games with a good story and gameplay,like Bioshock,Half Life,Mirrors Edge,Resident Evil 4,COD 4,etc. Dead Space is from the very beggining a very well made,solid and visua... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Tom Clancy's HAWX
You cant hate good graphycs and raw adrenaline
I am glad that finally there is a fun and pretty good flight combat action game on the Pc that isnt a freaking simulator. HAWX is sheer fun from the very start,the controls are quite easy to learn on the keyboard. I wi... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Puts all other driving games to shame
First I want to say I never played the Xbox360 version and I was eager to get the Pc port. But you know how flawed ports can be,especially the latest Rockstar Games release.... Anyways,this port is...........amazing an... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Mirror's Edge
Never seen before
I am playing this game since yesterday morning, and currently I am around 6 hours of playing it,allthough its difficult to know how much you played exactly. Mirrors Edge isnt a FPS,its more like the anti-shooter firs... Read Full Review
4 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
Give this a 1 and you are an idiot
Finally,I had the change to get the Pc version of this phenomena called Grand Theft Auto IV. I did not had high expectations because people are bashing the PC port. But wow,I was glad i was pleasently surprised. Maybe ... Read Full Review
4 of 8 users found the following review helpful
Dead Rising 2
Probably the best zombie-game for the PC
First of all,I want to say I never had the chance to play the first "DR" game,because I dont own a console.So I cant compare this to its predecessor. The game takes place in Las Vegas,or a Las Vegas-ish city(I`m not... Read Full Review
7 of 13 users found the following review helpful
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
When the word ''cover'' loses its meaning...
The game starts off on a high and cinematic note,and oh boy,it stays that way. Im going to try to keep it simple and straight to the point. The story is the typical blockbuster/action movie-ish,you being part of a b... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Far Cry 2
A really entartaining game,if you let it grow on you
I've been playing this for a couple of days now,and at the moment i completed 50% of it. Far Cry 2 is an entirely different game then Crysis or the first Far Cry,so I dont get it why so many make such a fuss by saying ... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful
SAS: Secure Tomorrow
stupid ,yet addictive
i guess gamers know what to expect from City Interactive. they tried so hard with all their previous releases, only making a fool of themselves. maybe this is no different. but i took the risk of playing it. and wow,it ... Read Full Review
5 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Its got style,its got story,its...a must play.
I was having doubts that a Nintendo DS port to the PSP could actually be good,with the unimpressive graphycs and all.But first impressions can be wrong. From the start I noticed that Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars pu... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Better then a Michael Bay action movie
After all the hype around it, I finally got my hands on "Modern Warfare 2". The game basically follows the same "recipe" as its precedessor,and it actually follows the story,with two of of the lead characters in it,too... Read Full Review
3 of 20 users found the following review helpful
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Good?..nope..Great?..nah...Excellent? YES
I wanted to restrain myself from writing a review untill I complete the game,but after playing a lot (for my standards) and reaching 50% completion,I made up my mind. First of all,Im not a huge Batman-fan,I've never ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
TimeShift (2007)
A mediocre guilty pleasure
I like shooters,especially the Half Life and Call Of Duty series. So,Timeshift is a nice game,but flawed. Graphics are okay for a 2007 game,better then average. The physics are also good,similar to Fear. There is a ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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