@aci808 it will, the kinect dosnt need to be used for the x1 to work, its hard to keep up with it all but they announced it when they got rid of all the other requirements
@ffejufo thats what i believe, they got way to much money in it to just throw it away, i mean i can see what they are tring to do caue now develeopers will have more of an incentive to make kinect games, i really dont care about it, i bought an xone and will prob not use kinect alot but im not going to bitch about and tell ms to burn in hell,
@K-A_L-A_D-U_R i don't think they'd be that stupid, wait never mind..but i don't think the developers would do, i do see alot of shitty ass kinect games being made, i bet almost every game will have some voice commands but i dont see developers taking that risk of forcing you to use kinect unless its a kinect only game
i probably not even pull mine out the damn box unless my gf wants to use it, but i don't see why being able to say xbox on to turn it on is so amazing, how hard is it to push a damn button,
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