tarheelwill13's forum posts
What are your favorite 5 ds games, ranked. And to make it interesting lets leave out Mario Kart, Yoshi, NSMB, Pokemon, and metroid.
These are mine
2. Sonic Rush
3. Brain Age
4. Advance Wars
5. Animal Crossing
Ok, so its been 5 months since i bought my last wii game, and I've decided it's time. I've been looking around at some of the games that are out now. I can't decide between paper mario, ssx blur, or the godfather.
I already have LoZ TP, excite truck, and rayman
OK, its a macbook, but im dual booting xp so i can run pc games. What will run without too much lag?
Specs: Core 2 Duo (2.16), 2 gb ram, gma 950 GPU.
I would like to run halo if possible.
When it first came out a few weeks ago, I was like "Hey this is kinda nifty" but within a couple weeks, the novelty wore off pretty quickly. I seriously cannot stand the questions they ask on this thing. Often times they have repeat questions, or ones that are pretty much the same but worded differently. Then they go and ask about stupid crap like American Idol (Which I loathe), and Suggesting a question is utterly useless because you KNOW there's no way in Hell they'll put it up anyways. The only thing you get to look forward to is how stupid you are in comparison to your fellow man and whether or not you are a common idiot like everyone else. Seriously, what moron at Nintendo thought this crap up? Where's our New Mii channel? Can't they think of something better?BobbyBobby85
The Zelda games revolve around Link, a dude who must wage battle against hordes of monsters and navigate poorly-designed dungeons in order to save a princess. Not to be confused with Mario who does the same thing. Does that fill you in?InfinitySamurai
go and die now
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