if you never played the first halo cause it is the best xbox game of its generation and talking about halo 3 its going to kick ass and gears is still amazing i still play it almost everyday and online is beast unless you play with "some" kids theyer stupid and will try and kill you on your own team. now for if you buy a 360 i would go with the new hip and stfu, wait till the elite 360 comes out its like $70 more then the premium 360 and its still 200 dollars less then the high end PS3 and yeah you should off allready read about it coming out like april 27 or 29 idk and it has a 120GB hdd and thats worth it for years to come with all content on xbl now ecxept here in canada we dont have that movie downloadable hd movies and i dont care for that but all the other stuff is beast and ff7 idk i never really played i just watched my bros play that but it looks good and PS3 will be worth it in like a year more but getting it now will just make you want za games that are actually good and yeah i have nothing furthur to post i though i was going to put something short unless you call this short anyways onen:ki wahi ( kahnawake) wooooooh bree bree brow show:D
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