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Top 30 Horror Game of All Time

30.The Rule of Rose

29. Cold Fear

28.Rise of the Nightmares

27.Alone in the Dark (Original Version)

26. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of the Chernobyl

25. Singularity

24.Clive Barker's Jerico

23. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin

22. Silent Hill 3

21.Resident Evil 5

20.System Shock 2


18. Resident Evil 4

17.Dead Space 2

16. Metro 2033

15. F.E.A.R.

14. Bio Shock

13.Eternal Darkness Sanity Requiem

12. System Shock 2

11.Call of Cthulu: The Dark Corner of the Earth

10. Doom 3

09. The Suffering

08. Siren: The Blood Curse

07. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

06. Fatal Frame II

05. Condemned: Criminal Origin

04. Resident Evil

03. Dead Space

02. Silent Hills 2

01. Penumbra: Black Plague

Top 10 PC Game of 2012

This is what I think about this year's top 10 PC games.....

10. Alan Wake

09. Mass Effect 3

08. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die

07. Borderlands 2

06. Guild Wars II

05. Dishonored

04. Hitman Absolution

03. Far Cry 3

02. Assassin's Creed III

01. Max Payne 3

My top 20 list

01. Dead Space

02. F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon

03. Half-Life 2

04. Portal 2

05. Max Payne

06. The Elder Scroll V:Skyrim

07. GTA Vice City

08. Batman Arkham Asylum

09. The Operatives: No one lives forever

10. Mafia

11. Resident Evil 4

12. Dead Space 2

13. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin

14. Fallout 3

15. Assassins Creed

16. GTA IV

17. Max Payne 3

18. Hitman: Silent Assassin

19. Unreal Tournament

20. No One Lives Forever 2

Enjoyable PC Games

Can anyone suggest names of some really good pc games except the following games which I already played:

Dead Space 1+2

Crysis 1+2+Warehead

Bio Shock 1+2

F.E.A.R. series


Battlefield (BC I+II)+ III

Fallout 3+NV

Resident Evil Series

Silent Hill Series

Metro 2033

Assassin Creed Series

Orange Box

Doom 3

Unreal Tournament Series

Alan Wake



Amnesia: The Dark Descent

GTA Series

Just Cause 2

Far Cry 1+2

Condemned 1+2



Call of Cthullu


Medal of Honor Series

Fatal Frame Series

The Penumbra Series

Metal Gear Solid Series

Left 4 Dead 1+2

Well there are more minor games in this list, but I want games other than these games which are as good as the games in the list.


Games like Dead Space

Dead Space is most favorite game among all the games I have played. I enjoyed every second of it while I was playing it. I can compare this game only with two other games.

System Shock 2

Bio Shock

These two are also in my top 10 most favorite game list.

I really wanna know if there any other games like Dead Space other those two mentioned games.

Thank You

Selecting the right game to play.....

Well I can't decide which game should I play between:

Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion

Elder Scroll V: Skyrim

The Witcher

I am not a big fan of R.P.G.'s, but recently I heard a lot about the elder scrolls and the witcher series. The graphics of both Witcher 2 and Skyrim is amazing. I really wanna play Witcher 2 for it's graphics quality, but I don't know if it has a good story or not. Besides, I don't know what happened in the first part. So, I thought I should play The Witcher first. Well, my question is 'is it worthy to play the Witcher instead of Elder Scroll IV and then V?' I am not sure if Elder Scrolls V is sequal of IV or not. However, I can start from Skyrim though (because it has better graphics). Is playing Elder Scroll IV worthier than V? I only wanna buy one game at a time. So, which among those should I pick? I have checked dozens of reviews and find out that Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion is a great game to play. The only RPG I have ever played is Fallout 3 and that game is awesome. Is Elder Scroll IV kinda like that one? Please let me no what you think about these three games and which one should I pick?

Thanks in Advance:)