You should always check metacritic and gamesrankings. But I have to say that GS reviews have vastly improved over the last four or five years.
tazmane's forum posts
There's this thing called a "non-disclosure agreement". The only reason we started hearing rumors before the news broke was that the NDA expired.
I guess I've never heard of the press (1UP/Gamespot/etc) signing some blanket NDAs with big developers and publishers. If they do then so much for the freedom of the press. I've had to sign a few and they where all very specific in nature. But this goes back to my question are they really reporters or do they just forward press releases. To me it would be very foolish to sign some NDA that made ask a company such as MS for approval to release any kind of information.
I'm not talking about when big gaming sites do reviews or previews. Just the reporting of the happenings of the game industry.
Gaming Press:Journalists or PRconduits?
I ask this question after the entire gaming press was either scooped by a teenage blogger or intentionallyfailed to report on the Bungie/MS split. I personally find it hard to believe that not one gamingjournalist in the industry caught wind of this huge story. After all splitting from a multinational corporation can't be easy or done in a short period of time. From some of the articles I've read this process started more than a year ago.If a gaming journalist knew about this story don't they have the responsibility to report what they know?
So I ask is the purpose of gaming press just to forward press releases and canned previews to gaming fans or are they genuine journalist that actually report on the news of the gaming industry.
I'm also wondering if anyone else feels that the gaming press failed it users in this situation.
I had no warning.
I used it for a couple of hours and the next day I go to turn it on and three read light.
On wait that didn't happen once, it has happened three times for me.
I'm on my fourth!
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