I had the same thing happen to me, except my system will not even power back up. It is completly dead. I was playing COD4 online for the first time, for about 1 1/2 hours, myself and 3 others, I made a private room and invited them. One of the other guys was complaining that his game was acting a little funny and it finally got to the point where he was going to logoff and restart his system. When he logged off, we all got kicked off. I got kicked to the sony main menu where I had to click on the COD4 to start, when I did this, my screen went blank and the PS3 shutdown. I turned the switch off and waited a little while, then tried strating it again, nothing. I tried several different outlets, still nothing. I have been playing other games online and never had a problem. The game is awesome, but I am hearing people say that the game could not cause this or it is the PS3. Either way, it really happend and I have been checking the internet, we are not the only ones. I am sending my PS3 to Sony, so I will let you know what happens. Thanks.
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