tcloss / Member

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Older games, Harry Potter.

Original Xbox games are getting pretty cheap, so I've started to collect some. So far I have Kill.Switch, Crimson Skies: High Road to revenge, Terminator: Dawn of Fate, and my favourite of all of them, Dead or Alive 3. I also got Phantasy Star: Universe for Xbox 360 and Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore for my PS2. Has anyone else seen the movie Bobby? I really liked it. I also saw Harry Potter 5 in theaters and it was great. I really want to see 300, I regret not seeing it in theaters. I also got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and its awsome!!! I wont give anything away though. I'm not going to be very active on gamespot for the next few weeks, I'm going to be pretty busy. :oops: I'm really sorry if I missed any blog posts that you guys made.