It started out when I got a PSP. The main reasons I got one was a)Final Fantasy Tactics, cause I never played it on PS One, and b) Killzone Liberation. Those were really the only two reasons I wanted one. When I got it, and got Liberation, I thought it was good, but, I just couldn't make sense out of getting a PSP over it. I am in no way saying the PSP is bad. I think it is really cool all the stuff it can do, but I just am not very much into handheld consoles. I only like to play games at home, really. So I decided to get FF tactics on PS One so I could play it for my PS2. So I took my PSP back to EBgames and Got the money back for it. I also had some other money and I decided to get an Xbox 360. (Sorry to Zalzargahougan and renagadez187; I know I didn't take your advice. But I'm still going to get a Wii.) Then the guy tells me that they don't have any of the used ones in stock. But, I gave him the money and bought one in advance. so, when one comes in, (He said probably on monday or tuesday) He call to let me know. So, I own an Xbox 360, sort of. I bet the same thing will happen when I get my Wii. :roll: Anyways, whats new with you people?
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