As requested by my good buddy Dreski83, I took passable pics of my Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. Her name is Carter, and she's an earthborn, sole-survivor soldier. Her hair is brown, but it looks reddish in the picture. She likes long walks on green beaches, meal rations by starlight, and assault rifles. I haven't gotten very far; I started it whilst housesitting two dogs and a 67" HD TV. I got stuck at the first big firefight on Eden Prime. Well, not "stuck" so much as "killed repeatedly." I almost made it through once, but ran out of time right before the last objective, which I could see from where I was desperately running for it. I officially hate timed missions. I ran out of weekend, but tomorrow I return to Eden Prime to kick some Geth butt. Really. I mean it this time. I do like the game, and the RPG elements that let you define your character. I like the equipment upgrade system (once I got the hang of it) and the very informational codex. The tutorial, however, is for crap. So I'm still stumbling around in the dark trying to figure out which button does what, how to use the various powers, etc. I'm sure I'll get killed a few more times, but I am nothing if not persistent. I'm still debating which skills to level up first.
So there she is, Miss Normandy 2183. Ok, Dreski, I showed you mine!