Well seems like I've got two character speculations: 1st off Ino i was on the CoNR3 forum and found a interesting post, it was a flyer saying some stuff about the game the thing that caught my eye was one sentence saying"Asuma is the mentor to Shikamaru and the others"others usually mean more than1 which they couldv'ejust saidShikamaru and Choji so either it meant by others Choji andIno orChoji and someone else, remember Asuma was sorta Naruto's mentor for 2 epidodes trying to teachhimto focus on his wind element so i don't know. the other speculation was Sasuke now it wasn't much so I'll let you read for yourselves it's Http://narutoclashofninja.blogspot.com
alright23 days until CoNR 3 seeya later.