World of warcraft... definitely the hardest game i've ever beaten.
teamjt's forum posts
I was at wall-mart today and they happened to have a copy of Halo 3 ODST. After some haggling with the manager i managed to purchase the game but when i got home i got a very unpleasant surprise. YOU DON"T PLAY AS MASTER CHIEF. WTF. gayest game ever.
Why do they call it the Xbox 360? Because when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk the other way. PS3 FTW!! LOL!!
I live in Ct. and im looking for a guitar hero tournament to test my skillz, does anyone know of any relatively close to me.
For the most part i like the song list for guitar hero 2, but some of the songs are absolutley ridiculously bad. For instance, the song "yes i can" is probably the worst song ive ever heard, i was wondering if anyone even liked this song, theres so many better songs out there that could of better filled the slot, what do you think?
Ex. i think "peter frampton's do you feel like i do", wouldve been awesome or deep purple's "lazy"
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