XBL is fine dude on the 360. It makes sense to pay for a service on a propriatary closed system, but it doesn't make sense to pay for a service on an open system like PC's. I see a difference between the two. SimpJeeBoth the gaming on PCs and on Consoles is the same. Servers, and clients. The difference is on XBL you are being charged by MS to use your own net connection. In fact they rarely provide their own servers, most of it is hosted via users themselves. On PSN however things are just like on the PC. While there is a basic service setup, you can access the net at any time, use alternative operating systems or even play multi platform games like the Agency which isnt to far off. And thats the difference. They're not blocking you from the net, they're just providing an optional interface for it if you want, and of course not charging for it.
teebeenz's forum posts
Actually it has everything to do with it. MS is moving to lock down what was a free internet service, into a pay service which they only dictate. This is EXACTLY what net neutrality is all about.Net neutrality has nothing to do with Games for Windows games.
You can play online without a Windows Live Account, yes.
Look up "Net Neutrality".Games for Windows Live is similar to Xbox Live. The games are basically unified into one service, instead of each game having their own online system. Do you like Windows Live, or do you dislike it because it resembles Xbox Live too much, even introduing a monthly fee?
What other alternatives do you like?
If I buy a "Games for Windows" game, can I play online without having to worry about creating a Windows Live account? I know Microsoft does not allow user-created content for Xbox Live, so do they have this same restriction for Windows Live?
[QUOTE="teebeenz"]Steam is something I try and avoid. People throwing tons of cash at it and all the security your account has is a password... hardly what id say a trusted service, not to surprising given its all made with MS money.TeamR
There's more to steams account security than a password. If anyone managed to hyjack your account, which is rare unless you get yourself a nice little trojan infection, you can easily recover it by sending valve a copy of your picture identification. Thats the failsafe. Someone would have to steal your identity to be able to completely steal your account, and I don't think your average script kiddie would get that involved for a few video games. But stay away from the porn sites that ask to install special browser software and you'll be fine.
Either way, it's alot more protection than is offered through traditional media. If someone steals your game disk, good luck tracking it down. Also good luck getting a replacement when it breaks, gets lost, or succumbs to old age.
Im pretty sure picture ids only work if they issued them, which Ive seen no sign of them doing, or the crazy asylum that plan would be forged in.MS doesn't want to hear about your problem, they have your money already.Lets just say that I am none too happy right now, and 18004myxbox did nothing but make matters worse. They want me to spend $20 more on 1600 ms points because 2 of their reps gave me false information instead of fixing the problem and crediting my account back. I spoke to a manager there who just kept repeating himself like a parrot. "Im sorry there is nothing I can do for you" even though it was their crappy customer service that messed things up in the first place.
EDIT: Btw it was the supervisors recommendation to call corporate yet he gave me no contact number and Im not having any luck finding one on the net.
it isn't the ps3's capabilities that is the problem, it is the dev's not using it.luigismansion101They're not using it so they can get detail.... Its only used on games with sparse detail or ones which cheat like GT5
I would love to buy a PS3, but the major hang up is when i go check out the games 90% of the games are not 1080p compatible. will this change? or is there a problem with the cell processor that is limiting this, or is it with the graphics processor?loftus421080p is a massive resolution, you'll be lucky to find any system which can run most titles at that level of detail.
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