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Avatar / Bleach / Summer

Hmmmm, I wonder how many people recognize me with my new icon... XD Well, I couldn't resist, Hitsugaya is just one of the best characters of all time! Well, I finally saw the series finale for Avatar! And yes, I say finally because I waited and watched them instead with my friends, and it was worth the wait! (My thoughts below will have spoilers, so read at your own risk). [spoiler] I thought that the last few episodes of Avatar was incredible! Actually, that's not really enough to describe it, it was more like Incredibly-amazing-fantasmic-entertaining-etc... XD I thought the writers did a really good job! And I'm also really glad they didn't end it off with the invasion and eclipse like we may have thought back in season 2, it made it more enjoyable and unpredictable. I thought that the twist they threw in with aang being upset about having to actually kill the fire-lord was very interesting, I mean he IS just a kid, so they way they ended it off was well done. The only thing i was disappointed with was two main things: 1) They didn't have a flash forward scene of everyone in the future. I would have thought they'd add that and that would be neat to see how the world was doing after the war, how the characters were, etc. 2) They ended with a cliffhanger! 0_0 Now we'll never know what really happened with Zuko's mom. When Zuko asked his dad about where his mom was I was excited because I knew they'd bring something about her somewhere in the series finale, but they didn't say where she was or anything, they just left it there! Other then that, I really enjoyed it! :D Wow, I can't wait until the live action movies come out, I'll be beyond excited for the third book, seeing that last scene in live action would be incredible! [/spoiler] - Now i can say that I am officially Bleach obsessed (notice how i say officially XD). Back when i said i had started watching a little back around Christmas I didn't really continue and i had only watched a few, but now i'm around episode 70 (which is still far behind compared to where some of my friends are, but meh :P) Yay for Bleach! XD I'm even hosting a Bleach marathon in a few weeks with some of my friends, and so far from all the DVD's and tapes that we have combined, it will take about 10 hours to get through it all 0_0 XD Should be fun :P That reminds me, we've had lots of fun with the exchange student of ours! :D She even likes the same series, music (Japanese that is XD) that I have, so that's cool. And i did say i'd try to keep this short, so i think that i'll wrap up, but not without some Bleach and Avatar icons! XD (Not to mention that it's hot here right now and sitting on a hot laptop isn't exactly fun... plus i want to watch Bleach XD) Oh yeah, my sweet sixteen is coming up! :P August 31st, wahoo! XD Okay... *shuts up and posts icons*         t_f :wink: