Hello! Happy Valentines day, even if i don't have a true love. "Where's our true LoooVEE??" Haha Totally_Asje! XD Anyways, it could've been better today, but like always, it wasn't..:P Oh well, i have no homework! I feel so much better now! XD Thanks for all the comments i've been getting on my fanfic! For those who are still interested, i'm posting my next chapter tomorrow morning and then i'm writing the third entry this weekend. And i have taken into consideration the spacing, i had that in mind before i posted, but i didn't have time to add spaces, i kinda added it in a hurry... ALSO, i have now joined up for LiveVideo! :D Heres a link to my profile, its still under construction, and i'm still thinking of adding vids, you know, the whole copyright blibbity blaa...http://www.livevideo.com/TeenFanatic Heheh, i go by TeenFanatic there, but for those who are more used to calling me t_f, you can still call me that you have an account there! And if you do, tell me! :wink:
t_f :wink: