Oooh man, this is not good. I can’t write blogs from home now either! Only from school and that’s going to end soon! I hope these bugs get fixed! :? Anyways… Well, tonight is the House season finale! I can’t wait! :D It’s going to be so cool! Anyone else going to watch it? One of the other things I’m excited for, is that chat that’s taking place tomorrow about the season finale, I know I asked this last blog, but is anyone else going to be there? Okay, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End. I have one word to describe it. IT WAS INCREDIBLY AMAZING!! *people mutter “I thought it was only one word”* Pshh, whatever people. XD For those who haven’t seen it yet, I’ll try putting a spoiler tag up so that people who hasn’t seen it won’t be spoiled by my rambling :wink: [spoiler] Well, it really was amazing! Well, it was defiantly better then Dead Mans Chest. I don’t know what exactly made it better, I just know that I enjoyed it more then the second one. The fighting scene at the end was truly incredibly! I loved every second of it! I loved the twist they added, that whoever stabs the heart has to replace it with their own! Well, not really love it because i knew it would make the ending sad. XD And It was funny, but not quite as funny as the second one, some of my favorite parts from that were
(I forget the guys name XD): Your mad!
Jack: If I wasn’t this would probably never work.
Jack: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? (
Jack the monkey raises his hand)
Jack: Us pirates are an unimaginative bunch when it comes to naming things. I once had a crew member that had no arms and was missing an eye, and do you know what I called him?
Crewmember: (I always forget his name!) What?
Jack: ...Larry. It's a sad ending though, it really is. :( [/spoiler] Anyways, I shall end with some pictures!
Okay, that's it! If you don't hear from me for a while, you know why.
Number of days until school is out: 16 school days
Points until I become editor of '8 Simple Rules' (Hopefully!): 143 (At 416 CP's) Number of days until House season finale live chat: Tomorrow! :D t_f :wink: