ok, cool, thanks guys. I just need about another 100 dollars till I can get everything. I HAVE the money, I just need backup money. you guys know how it is, lol.
I love rpgs so that wouldn't be a bad idea. I've beaten all the halos but have never owned one myself. I really wanna play mass effect too. is call of duty 4 on the 360?
I currently have owned a playstation 1 for as long as I can remember. I finally stepped up to a psp when it was still $250. Now, I'm about to step up to a bigger and better console. I was gonna get a ps3 but 360s have more games and is more popular and has halo, of course. lol but I also wanted to know what first game I should get. I have alot of expenses so I can't just go out and buy 5 games at a time. What game will last me until I can get a new one and so forth. I know I want assassins creed and Halo 3. I know there are tons of good games and this is kinda a general topic but it doesn't hurt to ask. thanks
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